Power Puff Boy Y/n

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Y/n was created after The Professor realised the girls were getting bored of each other.

Y/n was a tad bit smaller than the with (Brown,Black,White,purple,grey) hair, ( Brown,Black,White,purple or grey) eyes and (long/short) hair.

Of course you were a boy.

You were very much immature,not to mention you were autistic,not fully but slightly.

You would studder on your words,get upset quickly,and rock back and forth or twitch when you were in tension.

Today was one of those day where you were being most autistic.

"Y/n please calm down!" Blossom said as calmly as she could while you rock back and forth whimpering from the storm.

Bubbles started hugging you to keep you safe,it felt nice but then it felt like hell when she touched you.When anyone touch you.

"Why is he whining!" Buttercup yelled which caused you to jump on her face.

Blossom snickered as she realised you had calmed down.

"Giiiirrls and guy,time for bed!" The Professor said,

You pouted but was shooed off to bed by Blossom and your other two sisters.

"I'm not-I'm not sleepy yet though," you say after you brush your teeth.Blossom smiled as you yawn."Came on Y-" before she could get you you were already in the bed bouncing around.

"Y/n," Buttercup said through laughter.You quickly scramble to the (Brown,Black,White,Purple,Grey)
Stripe on the covers and got tucked in as your sisters piled in the bed.

Of course you kept talking.

"And-And Tomorrow we mi-"

"Y/n.Sleep." Blossom drowsly said yawning afterwards.


"Eat Balls"

Blossom: -_______-

Bubbles: 0_0

Buttercup: XD

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