How to use medical ninjutsu

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Gantai no jutsu (Bandage skill)

Type: Rank D

Description: One of the first techniques that a Medical Ninja must learn. Reasons why is because these techniques are what matters between life and death. This is a special type of technique in which a medical ninja is capable of making bandages by using their surroundings such as sand, grass water and others with the help of using chakra.

Sansokyoukyuu (Oxygen supply)

Type: Rank D

Description: An easy justu for the Medical Ninja. A ninja uses chakra upon the chest area focusing it to help the body in some ways. It helps the lungs expand easier making the chest and neck muscles become more officient which allows the airways to expand and pulmonary blood vessels so then the cells of the body may breathe easier.

Kanetsu no Gyou (Heat seeker)

Type: Rank D

Description: A simple Jutsu in which the Medical Ninja focuses the chakra in his body by placing it along the persons chest creating heat within them. This is so then the person would not be in danger of Hypothermia, a condition in which the body starts dropping its temperature at a quick pace, and if goes untreated it might cause paralysis and even death. One must be careful for if used to long then it may warm up a part of the body which may cause fever.

Ketsuki Gyouko (Blood Coagulation)

Type: Rank D

Description: A simple healing technique. The user uses his chakra on his wound to make the blood there coagulate quickly. The wound still remains but the bleeding stops. It goes quickly for small wounds but larger ones need a couple of minutes to finish the coagulation. It can also be used on wounded allies.

Chishio Tensou no jutsu (Blood transfusion skill)

Type: Rank C

Description: Loss of blood is a serious condition, and not very uncommon one in the shinobi battlefield. When a person reaches such a dangerous state, a medical nin can ease their symptoms by using this jutsu. First, the user must open up a small cut in the patient's body in order to open a vein. Once a vein has been opened, the medical nin uses chakra in order to increase the density of the patient's blood. Thus, they won't get more blood, but more red and white blood cells are created, an effect which helps fight against the ailments and symptoms of losing blood. However, this jutsu has a downside which is the fact that the user's own blood dilutes as long as the jutsu is activated, which means that basically it is indeed a blood transfusion and the user must be careful at how much blood he or she gives to their patients.

Limit: Must learn Ketsuki Gyouko (Blood Coagulation) Before

Chiyute no Jutsu (Healing Hands Technique)

Type: Rank C

Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of healing chakra. This chakra, when concentrated, can repair physical damage to another person. Depending on the degree of the wound, the ninja must concentrate more of their chakra to repair the damage. However, if the wound is too extensive, such as extensive damage to vital organs, this technique may not be able to help them.

Limit: Must learn Gantai no jutsu (Bandage skill) Before

Chakra Enjintou (Chakra Scalpel)

Type: Rank C

Description: A Ninjutsu technique used, primarily, for field surgery. The ninja concentrates a powerful aura of chakra around their hand, creating a blade capable of tearing through muscles and arteries, or breaking bone, without actually breaking the skin of the person they're using it on. When used offensively, in combat, it is difficult to concentrate on the length and power of the scalpel, making it harder to successfully hit an enemy's arteries, ensuring a kill.

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