Chapter One

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° L e w i s  A n d e r s o n °

It was never my idea to be stuck in this crowd of sweaty, stinky, and almost naked bodies of teenagers grinding together. I should be in my room right now enjoying quietness, sleep and cuddling with Pooh Bear.

Instead, I am out here in the middle of the night with crazy people, blarring music, and not to mention the stink of booze floating in the air.

"Why don't you just sit back and enjoy the night." Jazmin took a cup of alcohol and wave it in front of my face. "Here, drink this and warm up a little."

I look at her like there's a big zit prutruding between her eyes. "Come on, have fun!" she hollers.

I look over at Adam near the pool who looks like he's having fun. They cheered when their friend finished chugging a bottle of vodka.

"See, even your boyfriend is enjoying the night." Jazmin wave her hand out. "Hey! We-" I clamp my hand over her big mouth.

"Shut up, Adam doesn't know I'm here." I hiss.

"Whfgdt ishf thsgjdb anls abjdkt."

"I can't understand what you're sayi-ow!" I push her head forward when I felt her teeth bite my palm like a rabid dog. "Gross, your saliva stinks."

"Says the sweaty palmed bitch, ugh your palm is so salty." She spat on the ground. "You know what, let's just dance." She took my hand she just bit and pulled me down to the sea of topless men and bikinied women.

I tense up, no freakin' way am I going in there. "I can't dance there!" I scream at her but the beat of the speaker became louder as we got closer to the dance floor.

In a matter of seconds I found myself in the middle of the dance floor. I keep on getting pushed to the left then to the right. Jazmin's hand no longer holding mine. I wanted so badly to get the hell out of here.

"Keep it together Lewis." I mutter.

A hand suddenly grip my waist going down to my hips. I was about to kick where the sun doesn't shine and teach this maniac a lesson when I was shoved aside by god knows who.

Seeing a gap leading out, I push people out of my way and finally came up for air.

Inhaling sharply I open my eyes to see two pair of feet. One from a male which is quite familiar and the other is a female's.

Nice toes, I comment.

Moving my gaze up, the male's legs is really and hauntingly very familiar. His hands are also gripping her ass. I notice a silver band on his wrist.

I love that band. What? wait, that is my gift!

My eyes widened in realization. I quickly move my gaze up to their faces and confirm my suspicion.

Topless Adam is gripping the ass of a blond girl who is wearing a bikini that is way too revealing. Her but cheek barely covered.

They are too busy sucking each others mouth that they did not even notice the girlfriend; me, Lewis Anderson, standing in front of them, watching a scene stolen from the movies.

Can I report them for plagiarism?

This is all too cliché. But why does it have to happen to me of all people.

A whimper escapes my lips followed by the air I didn't know I was holding in.

I open my mouth to say something but somebody grab my hand and started dragging me away.

What's with all this grabbing and dragging thing tonight?

Looking back one last time, the girl (her biggest mistake) moved her head to the side where I can fully memorize her face. We made the briefest eye contact before they were covered by hard chests and abs. Okay, insert a few boobs but my attention is mostly focused on the mens abs.

I turn my attention to whoever stole my moment. I never got the chance to push Adam and the snake in the pool behind them. I'll be standing and waiting for them to resurface then push their heads back in using my feet until they-

"Lewis!" Oliver's face invaded my line of sight.

Found the culprit.

"You! That was my moment back there. You took it away from me. I was supposed t-to..." I trail off because in reality, I don't know how to react.

"What are you talking about?" Confusion clouded his blue eyes.

"Why did you drag me here?" My question was answered when I saw Jazmin on top of a girl. The girl below her look so helpless. On the other hand, Jasmin, is ready to kill.

I rush to her side and started tugging her waist. "Jaz! Let her go."

"No, you let me go! I'm going to kill this bitch."

I let out a breath. This is the drunk Jazmin and there is not a thing that will stop her until she's out cold.

This won't do, I need help. I let go of her and turned around only to bump into a wall. Looking up I saw dark eyes starring down at me. Straight nose almost too perfect. Lips that is drawn to a hard line and a jawline that is so defined.

My mouth opened then closed like a fish out of the water trying to breath.

The man put his hands on both my arms and moved me aside. He took my position lately and lifted Jazmin with ease.

My best friend muttered things at her enemy then focused on her intruder.

Oliver and I followed the man out to the  sidewalk. He put Jazmin down before speaking. His voice low and its chilling me just by hearing it.

"Watch over your friend closely." He said before turning around back to the party.

I wanted to ask what his name was but as quickly he appeared is how quickly he was gone.

Hey people! Hope you like the first chapter. Please bear with me when you find grammar mistakes and the like.

Please comment what you think about the beginning of this story.

Much love,

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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