No strings attached

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It had been by accident that Jack Spicer had heard the parting words of Wuya and Hannibal Ro Bean as he left yet another failed showdown, Chase was weakened. Jack may be what people deemed an idiot, even though he is a certified genius, but it didn't take one to know that a number of people would be after Chase if the warlord truly was in a powerless state. He knew in a reality of things he shouldn't really care, as he had been Chase's personal punching bag for years, but despite it all, Jack still had a major soft spot for the Dragon. This Leaves him to rushing towards The Land of Nowhere, hoping he makes it there before it's too late.
It takes roughly two hours to reach the citadel, the once bright sky growing cloudy and dark. Deactivating his helipad Jack hesitates before walking into Chase's palace. He could see the Male sitting on his thrown and not looking his best. Chase was all about elegance and posture, refusing to let himself look weak, yet Chase was slouched in his seat looking exhausted prompting Spicer's heart to clench. The way that Chase looked at him, once he notices his presence, was less than threatening and not even a 4th of what he usually looked like.

"Spicer." Chase's tone holding irritation but also exhaustion. "I expected other Villains would try to dethrone me, but I didn't guess that you would be the first." The male smirked.

"I'm not here for that," Jack said, shaking his head. He chances walking up the stairs towards Chase, watching the ill male raise an elegant eyebrow warily as the redhead neared.

"Then what pray tell do I owe the displeasure of seeing you, insect?"

Jack wasn't even phased as Chase's taunt had less bite than usual. He only gazed at his Idol with concern. To Chase's surprise, Jack pressed his hand to the older male's forehead and frowns when feeling the heat radiating from it. He wasn't burning up, but he indeed had a fever. "I came to invite you to my house." Jack's notes softly. "I know what's going on today and I know you will have enemies try to defeat you. Nobody would guess you'd come to my house. A perfect cover-up."

Chase was surprised at the seriousness in Jack's demeanor. Even more so at the invite. This had to be a trick, an act of revenge towards him. "Why would you help me, Spicer?" Chase's voice soft but had a firmness to it. "This would be a perfect opportunity for you to take everything I own." Maybe the redhead planned to trap him within the Sphere of Yun or the Yen Yang World.

"I don't want that. I don't want you hurt either, never did." Jack said, offering Chase a sad smile. "I just wanted to be recognized by you, Chase." He takes a moment before waving his hand dismissively. "But this isn't about that. You're weakened Chase, I'm offering because I care about you and I don't want to see you hurt."

"How noble of you. Chase sneered with a tired roll of his reptilian eyes.

Jack shrugs. "Maybe it is. Doesn't make it any less true."

Chase gazed at Jack for a moment swallowing thickly, struggling not to show emotion. Even his strong will was no match against the accused scarlet moon that left him powerless and almost ill like the Flu. He wouldn't last a day in this condition.

"Chase." Jack knelt in front of the immortal gazing up at him in the eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, honest. I want to protect you."

There were no other options. Breath hitched, Chase nods wordlessly jolting in surprise as his biggest fan gives him a hug. At any other time, he would've thrown Jack off a cliff or snapped at him. Right now, it felt good..dare he say it, comforting.

As agreed, stated some years back, the hug lasted 3 seconds so says the rule Chase had enforced because of Spicer. Pulling back Jack smiled lightly, the corner of Chase's own lips twitching just a bit. "How long do you need to get ready?" Jack asked softly.

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