1. Alley smokes

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(A/n) hello this is the first chapter :) I know it's not very long the point of this chapter is to introduce the main characters ( not including 5sos )

Song list:

Girl all the bad guys want // Bowling for Soup

Alleyways // The Neighbourhood

Mr. brightside // Killers


I shuffled to my car and slammed the door behind me. Another hard day. Everyone tells me high school is just a rough phase and it will get so much easier, but I don't really have the time to care anymore.

Bullying was never a problem for me and probably won't be. It's grades that I struggle with and my family. We are a broken home.

No one in my school gets me really, I don't attempt to make friends. The only reason Maxie and I are friends was because she didn't punch me when I ran into her. She said she liked how I dyed my hair and left it at that. A few days later she sat down with me at lunch and said I had good music taste.

That was in 9th grade and today was my last day a senior.

Everyone knows us as those creepy girls or those punk girls. Mainly because everyone else at our school is country or basic. Everyone is identical to eachother and it bores me to death.

I snap out of my own thoughts and start my car. Cage the elephant turns on and I tap along to the beat. I pulled out of the school parking lot, deciding it would be better to go have a smoke with Maxie than to go find a drunken mother.

I pulled into Maxie's drive way and waited for her in my car. She came out in ripped skinny jeans and a lose flannel. I rolled my eyes as she glared at me.

"You're late Riley." She hopped in the car and immediately began humming to the song.

"It's not my fault you take 20 minutes to 'prepare' yourself only to go in an alley for a secret smoke." I relplied.

She ignored my comment to ask if I could turn up the mixtape. I believe I recived this one for my birthday sophomore year from her. See instead of purchasing some stupid friendship bracelet you'll only wear for a week and lose, we make eachother mixtape and attend concerts.

It might not be as inexpensive as a charm braclecet or earrings but it sure as hell makes better memories. And that shits too girly for us anyways.

"Did you hear about that one student coming to our college?" She interrupts my thoughts.

I pull into our secret ally and open the car door. Her actions following mine.

"I haven't. Is there any reason it should matter?" She sits on the hood of my car and lights a cigarette for herself and I.

"Well this dude apparently beat up three kids and was caught doing drugs In the principles office." She said smirking.

"So why would he move to our school? As if he would fit in any better here. Everyone at our school is stuck up and goody goody." I said taking a long drag of smoke into my lungs.

she rolled her eyes.

"You don't have the right to call anyone goody and act as innocent as you do."

I sarcastically gasped at her statement.

"My word Maxie, it's as if I wasn't smoking with you in an ally right at this moment." I glared at her and she returned it.

"You know I'm just talented at acting like the good girl for everyone else." I continued proving my point and she released the smoke from her mouth.

"Yeah you are. Heck if I hadn't seen your music taste and if you had a natural hair color," she says touching my lavender hair ,"I wouldn't have befriended you." She stated breathing in the drug.

"You haven't ever officially befriended me Maxie." I said sassily smirking at her.

She got off the hood of my car and kneeled onto the ground in front of me. I looked at her in utter confusion as she placed my hands inside hers.

"Dear Riley Sage," { at this point I became a giggling mess } ," will you do me the honor of being my official best friend?" Her green eyes boring into my blue ones.

"What am I to do with you? You're a delusional mess." She smacked my arm and have me a dirty look making me giggle.

"I'd love to befriend you idiot." I replied and she squealed with a jubilant smile forming on her face.

"Let's get out of here max, I need to look up the answers to these ridiculous calculus questions." I hopped in my car waiting for her to sit down in the passenger seat.

"If you hadn't said you were cheating I'd think you were a genius." She snorted as I rolled out the ally.

Not much conversation took place from there. A peaceful silence took over my car as we drove back to her house. I think she mentioned the guys name who was transferring here in our little town. Mikey? Mason? I dont remember. But he should be amusing.


Sooo I hope you guys are enjoying this so far! Many plots twists and drama and suspense to come!!

Instagram: tomlin.sxn

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