Playlist 1: Me After You

705 48 27

°short mac and cheesy story
°2.9k words


"너를 만나"

|I'm sorry that I have more|
that I couldn't give you...
I'm selfish and unstable
|But I wanted to treat you well|


A bustling day it is for the early bird-- not anymore-- as she squeeze herself to the crowd of future freshies she'll tour around the campus at 8 am sharp as her first to-do-list task for today.

Students were lined up at the gate of their University when she sprint directly to where the officers are till she was halted by her school organization adviser to be scolded before she even make a step after the yellow line. She arrived 3 minutes late when she checked her wrist watch.

As a person who's unable to speak due to a situation brought by something she can't even say is a valid excuse-- whilst she gasps breathlessly heaving for some air to enter her body-- her adviser took the chance to whisper-shout her disappointment to her, "Out of all the days you can be late, why does it have to be now? You should be an example for these kids, they came here expectant and dreaming to be included to the exemplary intellectual and disciplined community of this University. If you showed up infront of them now with that wet hair, you'll be crashing their dreams. Go to the comfort room this immediate and fix yourself before the other officers gets done on briefing them. You got 5 minutes Park Sooyoung, I'm telling you. Now!" and on her que, she ran. She's about to breath in normal but she found herself running again.

"Hey, Sooyoung--" her boyfriend waved to her wearing his practice suit. "Hi!" She greeted back without stopping. Curious on what's happening he followed her till he found her entering a woman's comfort room.

"Don't tell me, you're late?" He guessed talking to her from outside as he lean to the wall next to the door.

"I've been running since I stepped down the bus. You're guessing it right." She's rummaging inside her bag to look for her make up pouch and her handy blower. "Jungkook, I'll be drying my hair, let's talk once I get outside. I'm very sorry." She told him taking her brush from one hand and her blower on the other.

"Take your time," he took his phone from his pocket and busy himself on social media while waiting for her.

She's rushing and it's undeniable but still, she's handling the pressure right and just making sure everything she's doing is perfect even it's hurried. Just few touches left and a swipe of tint to her lips, voilà! she's done. You wouldn't guess she did that under time pressure.

Opening the comfort room's door widely, she asked her boyfriend who is currently looking down his phone, "How do I look?"

He quickly recognized her voice and looked up to her. A second flew as she waits for his answer staring blankly to her before he was able to mouth, "Beautiful as always."

"Thank you," she sighed, beaming a huge smile. She grabbed his hand intertwining their fingers together as she drag him leading to walk.

"I'm late because I prepared so much for this day, my schedule is packed so I have to work till late at midnight that I forgot to set my alarm." She said looking back to him walking a little faster because her organization adviser will kill her if she don't get there before the briefing finishes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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