A Day At The Beach

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∆ Prinxiety/Logicality
-day at the beach.
-Virgil and Logan don't go in the Sea because, Virgil stubbed his toe and it's still sore. Logan Bought a new book that he wants to read.
-Virgil constantly Telling Roman to watch his head on the rocks because he is soft for his Best friend/Crush.
-Patton shares an ice-cream with Logan
-when Roman gets out Virgil screams at him. 'Roman Don't you dare get me wet' in which Roman Ends up threatening to flick water at His Crush/best friend
-Roman spinning on a rock. 'if you fall I'm not calling 911' from Logan
-All of them forgetting towels so Patton just lies on a Rock and Looks at the sun/sky talking about how pretty it is
- a girl saying how cute Logan is and Patton Sitting on a rock all sad
-Virgil sipping apple juice
-Patton getting rocks for his "rock collection" then giving them to Logan to look after. Telling him That he is the dad of them and Logan bidding and smiling because he is so hopelessly in love with Patton
-roman kissing Virgil's cheek whenever he can
-hair flicks, Virgil swears he can see it in slow motion and in the sunlight he falls more In love.
-abs. Lots of abs on all of them
-patton having Light blue swim trunks with little cat paws on them
-Logan having a tank top and shorts just because Patton said he looked good on them one time.
-Roman having Red Swim trunks with a Crown somewhere and a loose Tank top that has 'PRINCEY' on the back
-Virgil shocking them all and wearing a Purple Crop Top with a Small storm cloud in the top left on a pocket. Purple Short shorts
-Pale Virgil and Pale Logan
-Tan Roman and Tan Patton
-They all walk home

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