one shot

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{in this oneshot, roman doesnt remember Virgil}

'great, he snores' Roman sighed and climbed out of the Man's Bed. He silently collected his Clothes and got dressed hoping that the Man wouldn't wake up. The room was a Dark Purple and so were the sheets. Why did Roman Sleep with Him? God knows. Roman retreated out the front door as silently as he could and got on with his day.

Romans Day always Consisted of making himself look like a Queen, Going to Work In the Disney Store where he got a minimum wage, but its okay because disney is life, then grabbing coffee and Strutting home. When home he would just Practice Make-up and Sing Disney and the day would end and another would begin. It wasn't hard being him, he was just Confident and beautiful.

Romans Mind wandered to the Man's room from this morning while out Getting Coffee with a Friend.



Roman was Jolted away from his Day dream by his Best friend Patton, who was talking about his Boyfriend Logan, again.

Roman just smiled and got on with it, he loved the couple and admired the relationship they had. Maybe one day he could have That. He was more of a one night only person.

He thrived on Attention and He loved people. One night stands were a great way to show people that. Making people feel good while making himself feel good was all he needed.

Romans Mind wandered, for the second time, back to the Man from this morning.


Roman Woke up for the second time, in the purple room with the purple sheets. His head ached and he had no motovation, he remembered the place. A two night Stand? this had only happened once and he remembered how it ended. it wasnt pretty, the girl assumed that they were an item. The day after, when he was seen kissing someone else she had a hissy fit and she ended up slapping him.

Why was he here again? he must have really liked this dude. Roman peered over at the man, he looked pale. heavy black bags under his eyes and plump pink lips, light brown freckles were gently placed on his nose, his eyelashes flickered softly as he slept. heckity heck five abs in one pec this man was pretty, but roman never dated a one night stand. roman had woken up twice in his bed so...

he shook his head and started to climb out of the bed. to his suprise, he was already in clothes, well his bottom half was. Roman had Purple Checkered Pyjama pants on and purple wasn't a good colour on him, this was an exeption.

They fit him perfectly. He hesitantly picked up a top and a jumper. Both items of Clothing a dark colour that he couldnt see in the darkness.
Roman Walked into the kitchen and looked at the mess, it was probally his fault. There were endless Pans and Plates out, most of them looking broken or sticky.

when at home, Roman checked all over his body for marks that were not hickeys. he did this everytime to make sure he hadn't done anything stupid while wasted.

For the first time in a while, Roman didnt sing in the shower, he didnt go on his phone and he was early for work. The whole day was spent looking fabulous but not feeling Fabulous.

Roman Strutted into Starbucks and threw his bag to the floor by his best friend. Patton frowned

"whats wrong Ro?"

Roman explained to Patton what had happened and his best friend just shook his head. Patton looked at Roman confused, didnt he already have a boyfriend?

the topic soon changed to Logan Again, Patton was finally going to bring Logan to Starbucks tomorrow. Roman had seen photos and he couldn't deny that Logan was attractive but so was his Purple Person from the morning.

Roman went home thinking about what Patton had said.

'try to find out his name'

Thats not what Roman wanted though. was it?
He wouldn't drink tonight, if he didn't drink then he didnt need to worry about the mystery guy.

Roman shook his head and sat down on his Sofa, It was white with Red and Gold, the perfect colours for Him. After lounging around for an hour or two watching Disney Films Roman walked into his bedroom to be met with the sight of the purple pyjama bottoms and the jumper from the morning. He picked them up and shoved them in a washing basket, not really wanting to see them, for some reason they made him feel strange. After deciding it was nothing, Roman settled in his cold bed. He hated being alone but he would rather be alone then get dragged into some persons house and them waking up to ask for him to have breakfast.


Romans head felt light and floaty as he woke up, a familiar room that was his own. he sighed in relief, he was surrounded by his own room, Red Curtains, Gold walls, White bed covers, A ruby red carpet and a purple suitcase.

Romans eyes widened, A purple Thing? in his room? he thought not!
roman got out of the bed in red shirts and dragged his feet into his kitchen. 

His eyes were pointed down so he didnt see the man over his stove. Roman ended up bumping into the man with an 'oof'

"oh, ro your up!"

Roman looked up to see Patton in his kitchen. He grinned

"hey patt, what are you doing here?"

"oh, Virgil said you were fast asleep when he went to the diner so i decided to make you breakfast"


"yes silly, your boyfriend"

Patton looked at his best friend in confusion as Roman struggled to get the words out

"but...ive woken up in someone elses bed all week!"

"you were at his"

Then Roman saw black. His name had been shouted out


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