i • cotton candy

15 3 0

Park Ji-yah is played by Kim Na-hee

"So? Which one do you wanna go on first? The drop? The whirl? Wait, we could go on the roller coaster?" He suggested, pointing towards the largest roller coaster that I've ever seen, standing just a few feet away from us.

My eyes widened at the sight of all the loops and twists. I could already feel the terror of the ride filtrating through my body.

"You gotta be kidding me right?", I scoffed, my mouth slightly propped open as I stared in horror.

"There's barely anyone in line. Let's just try it!" he laughed, grabbing my hand before I could protest.

"Sehun!!" I groaned, walking up the metal steps with him as we neared a large platform that held the ride up.

We were strapped onto the ride right away.

Sehun smirked as he stared at my nonchalant face. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. I tried to pretend that I wasn't scared, but even Sehun knew that it was just a lie.

I had been scared of roller coasters ever since hearing of the messed up creations. I just didn't understand what was so fun about going upside down and seeing other people throw up.

"Come on, Jiyah," Sehun laughed, intertwining our hands, "I promise, it's not that scary," he assured, his smirk now replaced with a sincere smile.

"Ugh, I'll believe you on this one, but's that's only because I trust you, oppa.." I admitted. It's true, I trusted Sehun with my life.

Sehun and I have been best friends since we were able to walk, our mothers were always so close as teenagers too, so they suggested that we were.

A lot of people thought that Sehun was my boyfriend by the way he acted towards me, by the forehead kisses and the hugs and intertwined hands. I mean, it's true, I've liked him for a long time, but I've never been able to find out if he felt the same way.

Suddenly the ride started, pulling me out of my thoughts. We were barely going up but I still closed my eyes out of fear.

I felt a slight nudge on my arm and peeked out of one eye at Sehun, "you know, it's more fun if you keep your eyes open and experience it," he laughed, smiling at me.

Gosh, his smile is so cute. I thought, biting my lip.

I just nodded and kept looking forward, squeezing his hand as we got to the top.

"I wanna get off. I wanna get off", I mumbled to myself, hoping he didn't hear, but of course, the boy had to have some sort of superhuman hearing and look at me.

"Okay. We can rest after this and then go on some more 'less scary rides' after", he suggested, noting my fear as I silently thanked him.

I nodded and then the roller coaster stopped at the top, looking out over the whole carnival. I was in awe at the view until the moment we all went speeding down the drop.

I could hear Sehun laughing with joy from the excitement of the ride, but on my side, it was different. I screamed until my throat became scratchy and my lungs burned from the lack of oxygen that I wasn't taking in.

I started to get slightly dizzy from all the twists. I squeezed his hand tight, shutting my eyes as I tried as hard as I could, not to throw up on the ride.

We soon reached the end, where the cart started us off at the beginning. But instead of letting everyone unstrap themselves, Sehun yelled out to the manager of the ride to let us go again, since no one was in line at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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