Week 1

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The fall breeze is in full swing, there are leaves littering the sidewalks and streets, and there's a small chill in the air. People have slowly started trading their tank tops and shorts for jeans and sweaters and, smiles seem just a little bit brighter as the string of holidays starts to approach. They're barely halfway through October and yet, there are already Christmas lights strewn about the city. In Robin's opinion, it's the best time of year. He'll never get tired of the beauty that is Fall.
He's lost in a haze, wiping at an already clean table as he stares blankly out the window. It's slow today, like it usually is on a Wednesday during the school year. There are currently only two tables being occupied. One of said tables belongs to him and is filled with a bunch of elderly women that never make it through their meal without mentioning how charming and handsome he is. It doesn't bother him, he's flattered, they're sweet, and it also doesn't hurt that they always leave him a pretty hefty tip. They're all on their third round of mimosas, so they'll be set for a bit.
Wednesday's aren't his typical days. He used to work Sunday's instead, but his friend decided to go back to school and begged him to switch. It wasn't much of a hardship, Sunday's are hectic for the café. They're usually filled with families having brunch or teachers grading papers. Days like today, are nice and slow. He has more of an opportunity to get to know the customers. He likes meeting new people and having conversations with them. It's why he loves this job.
There's also the added benefit that today is the day that she usually makes an appearance, though she's yet to arrive. He glances up every time he hears the bell on the door. He first noticed her back in early August, when he began working the mid-week shift. She always walked right in, passing the hostess and taking her seat at the same table. The table that always seemed conveniently empty and waiting for her. He was intrigued, and, being the people-person he is, he longed to go strike a conversation. But, she was in Ruby's territory and he had no excuse to talk to her. After about the first month of consistent Wednesday visits, he finally asked Ruby about her. He'd tried to make it a casual question, but he was given a knowing smirk from the young waitress.

"She's been coming here for almost a year." Ruby had said. "She likes that table, it has a view out the window, but being in the corner still allows her privacy to do her work. Boss always says to keep the regulars happy, so I make sure it's always free for her. Everyone on this shift knows it's her table."

Robin had chosen to simply hum in response, ignoring the look from his co-worker. He paid attention after that. He would watch as she entered, always around the same time, and walk straight to her table. She'd usually pull out a book and her laptop. Sometimes, she put headphones in. She typically stayed for two to three hours, though no one minded. It is their slow day after all. Occasionally he'd slip another question about her into conversation, for instance when he asked Ruby one day, "It looks like the woman at table 23 may need some more water. What's her name again?" But, nothing ever came out of it. The waitress was smart and she'd already told him on numerous occasions that he should just man up and go talk to her if he was that interested. So, he wasn't rewarded with an answer. Instead, all he got was an eye roll as he watched her walk towards the woman and refill her glass.
It'd been going on like this since he first mentioned her to Ruby and the only information he'd been able to get out of her was her table preference. But today, it'd be different. His co-worker had called him last night and begged him to cover her tables. She'd gotten a call about a modeling gig and said that this could open up a lot of doors for her.

"Please, Robin. I tried everyone and no one is free to come in. Wednesday's are slow anyway, I'll owe you big time." She'd pled. "And, you know what? Mystery woman will probably be there tomorrow. You'll finally have an excuse to do something other than stare at her and pester me with questions."

Robin was already going to say yes. As if he didn't connect those dots already. He would've covered for her regardless, it wasn't too much extra work. But, the idea of getting to talk to her, was definitely an added bonus. So, he'd agreed and hung up before Ruby could bother him anymore. That's how he's found himself here, staring hopelessly out the side window and praying that the next time the bell on the door jingles, it'll be her.
After a few minutes, he busies himself with more work and goes to check on the group of elderly women. He's headed back towards the kitchen for a break when he hears the bell and turns to see her walking straight towards her booth. She's later than usual. He was beginning to think she wasn't coming, but, her arrival brings a smile to his face either way. He hesitates for a moment, his break long forgotten as he heads in her direction. She's already looking down at a book and fiddling with a pen in her hand.

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