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sexual content

We lay down on the chaiselongue in the living room. "Cal?" "Yes, sweetpea?" "What if I got pregnant?" He looks at me. "That wouldn't be a problem for me. I love you and I would love to have a baby with you." "Good to know. My mother wouldn't like it. She doesn't want me to lose my virginity before getting married." At the thought of my mother, I start laughing. "What's so funny?!" "My... my... mother... Today she caught me..." I can't help myself but laughing. "She caught you doing what?" "I can't tell you!" I begin to breathe again. "You can tell me everything." "Fine. I was dreaming of you last night. We were kissing and making love...and I finally pleasured myself by riding my pillow... She caught me when I was coming. You must have seen her face!" "Rose, I have a question." I kiss his lips. "What is it?" "Are you up for a second round?" I nod excitedly and he gets a blanket to cover our bodies with. He is so good at making love and only the fact that he is taking off my nightgown sends a tingle between my thighs. "I can't help myself. I love you so much that I want to make love to you twice. I fear I'm addicted to you, sweetpea!" "How can I help you with that?" "Just lay back and let me do it. Or become my wife. Would you?" He gets on one knee and holds a ring in his hand. HAS HE SAID 'BECOME MY WIFE'?!
"I will become your wife, Cal, you're the only one I love! A thousand times, yes!" He slips the engagement ring on my finger. We are both wearing our undergarments when he gets pillows and another blanket. "What are you doing?" "Do you want me to make love to you in the rose garden?" "Yes, I do!" Cal lays me down on the blanket and the pillows and picks a rose up that has fallen on the ground. He places it in my hair and massages my breasts, just how I like it. "Do you feel good, sweetpea?" I don't answer, I just kiss him passionately and he enters me. Then he flips me over because I asked him to. I remember my dream and move my hips slowly back and forth. "Ahh, Rose, ROSE! Don't stop!" He strokes my curls and I run out of breath. "Rose, do you feel good?" "No, I feel so weak..." He flips us over so that he is on top. "It... It hurts!" "What hurts, sweetpea?" "My legs feel so heavy." He gets one and lifts it up on his shoulder. "Feel any better?" "Yes, thanks, I'm a little cold." He wraps the blanket around my shoulders. A gentle breeze makes rose petals fall on my body. We come together a second time and stay wrapped up in the blankets with rose petals all over our bodies... 💗

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