Aleister black vs Chris Jericho

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Root of all evil hit

Kacy: here come the dutch destroyer,Aleister black!!!

Cole:here come the first match.

Judas hit

Kacy:and his opponent, Y2J,Chris jericho and accompanying him,Stone cold steve austin!!!

*the match started*

*at the end of the match*

Cole:Black mass by aleister black to chris jericho.1....2.... whats!

Corey:Steve austin attacking aleister black! They both assaulting him!

*Evil ran to the ring to save black*

Renee:Evil come to rescue black!!

*Evil attacking chris jericho*

Steve austin use chair to make a chair shot to evil.

Steve austin: Nobody can beat us and tag team title will be with us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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