Chapter 3: Questions?

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*Patton POV*

I was in the kitchen, working on a very important task, when I heard the news about the new kiddos in town.

Okay, maybe my task wasn't that important.

But come on.

Cookies HAVE to be baked right.

I carefully set the cookie sheet down, turning to look at Roman as he waited impatiently at the door.

"Calm down, kiddo," I said, smiling cheerfully, "I'll be there in a minute."

"This is important!" Roman said, clearly agitated.

I sighed, quickly finishing with the cookies, and I grabbed a few to bring to the new kiddos. Then I followed Roman out to the gate.


When we got there, the girls glanced up, most of them looking worried.

Then one of them asked, "What's going on? Why does everyone look so upset? Did we do something wrong?"

This girl had heart-shaped glasses, and she wore a black sweater decorated with white hearts.

This girl had heart-shaped glasses, and she wore a black sweater decorated with white hearts

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I guessed she might be the Emotional aspect, as she seemed to be the most animated of the group

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I guessed she might be the Emotional aspect, as she seemed to be the most animated of the group.

"Hush, Terri," one of the other girls said a bit firmly, "This isn't the time for your questions..."

"Why not?" Terri asked, "How else are we going to find out what's going on? Huh?"

The other girl looked like she was about to hit Terri, so I decided to step in.

"How's it going, girls?" I asked, deciding that my caring grin would be best for this situation, "You must be the new kiddos."

"Indeed," said Calypso (Roman had told me about her, so I knew which one she was), "And you are?"

"Patton," I said, "I'm the Emotional persona..."

"Then you and Terri should get along very well," said another girl (I think Logan said her name was Kendra?), "Terri is our Emotional. She represents Curiosity."

Terri smiled slightly, though she still looked a bit uneasy.

"My Host asks a lot of questions," she said shyly, "Is that a bad thing?"

"Not at all," I told her gently, "Asking questions is a very good thing."

Terri nodded, but she still looked nervous.

In that moment, I knew that I had another kiddo that needed to be taken care of.

The problem was, would she let me?

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