Sunset Beauty

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The sky was a burnt orange color as the sun slowly slipped behind the horizon. Temari was sitting on a shaggy wooden dock with more than enough splinters, while Shikamaru was back at the main house towards the end of their Canadian island getting some snacks and wine for them. Temari was sitting in a laid back chair facing the shore lot, with a towel that sported soft red roses.

Her black bikini was dry since she had been sun bathing with Shikamaru for most of the day, and the water it previously held was now gone. There was a little breeze in the air, but it was still mildly hot for the evening. 'Hm maybe I should get in.' The four ponytailed beauty thought. She gently unwrapped herself from her towel, sat up, and put in on the chair Shikamaru was previously sitting in.

She walked to the end of the dock towards the stairs, with the wood creaking under her feet. She looked across at the still, black water that filled the lake, and seeing no boats she decided to go skinny dipping. She did need to take a shower after all, and what better time was there to do it then when the sun was dipping into the water itself and no one was out with their boats?

She went back to get her towel and placed it closer to the waters edge just in case some unwanted visitors came along. She reached up with her slightly tanned arms and pulled out the four hair ties letting her sand colored, shoulder length hair gently rest on her shoulders. After putting the four hair ties around her left wrist she reached back once again to slip the knot holding her top up free. She turned around and faced the house on the dock, spun around her top and then proceeded to untie the back.

Once that was off she threw it where her towel previously was and bent down and slid off her bottoms, which also got tossed into the wooden, white chair. She then proceeded forward and gently rested her hand on the stairs railing, making her way down the stairs. When her delicate foot touched the water she stopped to take in the cold, and later stuck her other foot in. 'I should probably hurry. I don't want this to be the first time Shikamaru sees me. I want it to be special.' She thought.

She then braced herself and dove into the smooth water, feeling the cold water on her bare skin. She slid her arms into the waters silky surface and paddled as quietly as she could with little splashed on either side of her medium breasts. When she had reached the small, square raft she vertically floated in the water and looked down at her body. Her skin looked yellow under the water, and her small stomach curved in to tiny swirls as her body disappeared into the black water. She placed her hands on the top of the raft, and heaved her self up onto her knees. The cool breeze felt much cooler now that she was wet, but she didn't mind.

She reached over at the shampoo, opened the top with a click, and squirted the warm, sun soaked liquid into her small hands. She placed it back down on the raft and started scrubbing the shampoo into her hair in little circles. Just as she was about to stand up and dive in she heard the creak of the dock, and twisted her head around to see a stunned and blushing Shikamaru with his mouth open.

'Well there's no hiding it now. I guess I can still make this special.' She thought. The stood up and turned around revealing her golden tan, pear shaped body covered in perfect imperfections. Still scrubbing the shampoo into her head she brushed off being naked in front of her boyfriend for the first time like it was nothing. "Care to join me?" She teased.

Shikamaru dropped the red wine glass he was holding and it rolled to the right with a thud. His mouth was still agape and his face still red, but never the less he managed to snap out of his trance and stutter back a, "Y-yeah I'll b-be right in." Temari laughed slightly at how cute Shikamaru was being, and then decided to show off a bit by jumping into the water with a perfect dive.

When she came up Shikamaru was standing at the top of the steps with his shoulder length, dark hair down. He made his way down the steps, stopping at the cold water like Temari had, and then jumped into the water only slightly gracefully. Temari turned back around and heaved herself on to the raft once again, and sat crossed legged waiting for Shikamaru to swim his way over.

Once he arrived his face was still just as red as before, and he lifted his body on to the raft and then sat up next to the beautiful woman that was his girlfriend. His wet abs were sparkling in the orange red sunset, which made Temari blush a little herself. Shikamaru then broke the silence and said, "You know I was planning on having an average life with an average job and an average wife, but you are so much better than I could have ever imagined. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and I think I'm the luckiest man on earth."

Temari looked at Shikamaru in awe, and wrapped her wet arm around his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Her wet breasts pushed up against his chest, and she later felt something press up against her leg. She smiled into the kiss and placed her arm around Shikamaru's back, still kissing him, and gently leaned forward until he was laying on his back on the raft with Temari over him. Her gorgeous hazel eyes shined with love and passion, and Shikamaru felt like he had fallen in love all over again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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