Why would you do it?

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It happened.... It happened 😔🙁😭 The school shooting happened 😭 One girl was caught and forced to not tell anyone.. She felt bad that she had to keep her mouth shut

She didn't wanna keep her mouth shut... So she went to the police department and told them so he wouldn't hear her CALLING them because that would take much time.

The guy was arrested

But escaped

He got revenge

He hated himself

He shot himself

He was remembered

He was resting in peace

He was happy

The girl felt bad for what she had done, but she knew she did the right thing to do.

She felt like she was missing something from her life... Like maybe a taco or a hot dog 😂

She found out what she was missing the whole time was tacos 😂
Just kidding, she was missing love...

She developed a crush on a boy at school named Jay and they became best friends. Everybody said that their ship name is Jaylight
(Moonlight + Jay)
But they laughed at the thought of them being together
But Moonlight... She was sad at hat time... She forced her laugh out...
She didn't get the chance to tell Jay she liked him...
Jay got a girlfriend named Jessica... She was really moody.
Most of the time Jay was annoyed by Jessica
So they broke up

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