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The sun was barely peaking over the roof tops of the city buildings, the deep orange sky slowly staring to fading into darkness as the two spies sat by a small plastic table high on a hotel balcony. Between them sat an empty bottom of wine, their two wine glasses and a pile of cards as they eyed one another over the top of the fan of cards in their hands suspiciously.

They had been here for a few hours now, relaxing after their mission had been completed since their flight wasn't until tomorrow late morning. They decided against exploring the city of Prague, having been there several times before together and took to the balcony after dinner for a night of casual drinking and so Natasha could repeatedly beat Clint at the card game "Durak."

She smirked as she discarded her last card, lifting her hands to show they were empty as he flicked the remaining cards in his hand onto the table.

"Alright, you win again." He sighed exasperated, finally giving up on his continuous cry of asking for a rematch.

"I thought you'd have learned by now, I always win at Durak." She said, gathering up the cards and leaving them in a neat pile at the centre of the table. "And Rummy, and Bridge, Blackjack, Snap, Poker...."

"And yet you never take your talents to Vegas" He grinned, sipping his wine while leaning back in the chair to rest his feet on the edge of the table.

"That's the retirement plan." She joked, crossing one leg over the other as she grinned at him over her glass. "Or failing that, rob a bank and disappear forever. Die an old spinster lady in my bed of millions."

Clint chuckled softly, "A better plan than mine," he smirked watching her swirl the wine around her glass while admiring the view. "Though you won't end up a spinster, Tasha."

"You think?"

"Yeah...what about Bruce? Is that definitely-"

"Over. Oh god, so over. No one gets to walk out my life then expect me to carry on like nothing's happened. Regardless of what personality of theirs made them." she shrugs, her defiance admired by the archer.

"There will be someone else." He assured, but she finished her wine in one gulp.

"It's not a concern of mine anymore. I'm not sure it ever has been. I've never had that connection with someone that everyone raves about."

"Not even with me?"

His question stuns her into silence, her eyes searching his for a hint of teasing or the punchline to his joke. But there's neither. She even gives a soft laugh to make him break, but he doesn't. He's deadly serious.

"You were different." She offers, looking at her empty wine glass to avoid his gaze. "A once in a life time thing...more wine?" She asked in an attempt to change the subject, already standing and wandering back into their hotel room. She uncorked a new bottle swiftly in the small kitchenette, pouring herself a large glass as he stepped back inside too and shutting the door behind him. She took a large mouthful, watching him place his glass down and stopping her pouring more into it.

"Once in a life time?" He asked, watching her put the bottle down silently. "Natasha..."

"What Clint?" She sighed heavily, folding her arms as she turned to face him. "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't really want you to say anything, if I'm honest." He said, leaning back against the small counter as he watched her intently. He knew what look to give and that she could read it. She knew he wouldn't make a move unless she did. Half out of consideration and half because he knew she'd kick his ass if she felt like it.

She didn't feel like that. She felt like disappearing into the past for one more night.

Natasha knocked the wine bottle over as she pulled him towards her, lips locking with his instantly as she hungrily kissed him. His hands moved from her hips down to her thighs, encouraging her to jump and wrap her legs around his hips so he could carry her towards the bed.

It always felt like a comfort being back in one another's arms. All those night in across the world, Budapest, Paris, Milan, Moscow, Sydney. From the first time to their last, curling up naked beneath blankets as they watched the sunrise and set again, still managing to get their missions completed as well as grow and live together. Long before the avengers initiative, or wars with robots and families...a family. His family.

She was first to come to her senses, her hands roaming his now bare chest as he kissed down the valley of her breasts thankfully still covered by her bra. She gulped, trying to sit up quickly. "Clint..."

"Nat, please don't say anything." He sighed, moving his lips to her neck as he nipped softly, and she cursed as he found her weak spot he knew so well. And he knew exactly what guilt was going through her mind as it mimicked his.

"You know we can't." She sighed, pressing her cheek against his as he stopped immediately. They said nothing for a long moment, still holding one another close.

"You're right. I'm sorry." He murmured, pulling away from her, the coldness replacing him almost making her regret her conscience kicking in. "Really Nat, I didn't mean-"

"I know, Clint. I understand." She nodded, shuffling back to grab her top and pulling it on once more. He sat on the edge of the bed not looking at her, running his hands across his face for a moment before standing up to grab his shirt.

"I'll grab another room for tonight."

"Oh no Clint, it's fine..." she stopped her argument as he shook his head and paused at the door, hand lingering on the handle.

"You'll never end up alone Nat," he admitted, still not looking at her. "Any man would be lucky to have you. And damn near stupid to let you go." With that he disappeared out the room, leaving her alone in bed as she curled her knees back up to her chest and trying to ignore the burning on her lips of their infidelity.

Tomorrow it would be forgotten, unmentioned to anyone else, even each other. That is, until the next time they were left alone to remember the past and what could have been.

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