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It was morning at last, the suns rays scuttling through the broken window onto ches's teal hair. Her gross cat ear twitched as she rolled over to face me. I stroked her hair it was soft, like mud. Not dry crusty mud but soft mud. Like her hair. A gazed around her room, a place I had become used to after staying here so long. After a while ches woke up, her eyes glistened like the first page of a magazine, real glossy like. "You doing ok?" I asked. Ches just looked at me and coughed. It was gross. I got up and went to the kitchen to get some food. I reached into the pantry, trying not to knock over any of ches's "trophies" I grabbed a box of Kellogg's fruit loops™️. I traced my finger over toucan sams impressive colourful beak. Slowly I opened the cardboard flaps and removed the loud plastic bag containing my scrumptious loops. I had to move carefully  as to not disturb ches who I think went back to sleep. I cautiously lifted the bag out of its cardboard prison and marvelled at the tasty cereal that I held before me. My body Temperature began to rise as I opened the bag and poured the sacred loops into a plastic bowl. I reached into the draw below me to retrieve a spoon, it's smooth metallic surface reminded me of the same smooth buttons of an elevator. How I missed the days in which I could use an elevator. I dug the spoon into the delicious bowl of fruity goodness. I raised the spoon to my lips the scent growing stronger, as I tilted the spoon into my mouth I felt the dry fruit donuts hit my tongue. The flavour of generic fruit exploding in my mouth. As I crunched down I was met with a realisation. "I forgot the milk" I whispered to myself

Shi loves loops and is very sad to realise that not every kitten drinks milkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora