#2 | My Profile Picture

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Hello again! And here's the second one! My profile picture!

Ok, so here's how I got the idea from.

Well, before I use this profile picture, I was using one of My Little Pony characters which is Fluttershy and also Gumball Watterson.

>~< kinda embarrassing tho but I am who I am and I loved those two characters.

So, after a few month later, I started to thinks of drawing something to represent myself.

So, I know that I love my hair to be long and kinda want it to be original. Then I drew it up and that's the final result!

After I'm starting to use that picture, I'm beginning to make my own trade mark which is #PeaceOut!! and also the pose of myself.

And that's all about it I guess. Oh, I forgot to mention. I drew it at school and made the final edit at home.

Ok, see you in the next one!


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