1 - intro

40 3 1


This story will include following:

Mention of suicide


Smut (; (MAYBE??)



A lot of cursing

Side ships like Namjin and Yoonminseok

a lot of cringe

(i'll add if more comes)

Ps. there will always be a warning in the start of the chapter :)



This starts out a little rocky - but stay with me it'll make more sense 

Mention of suicide 

Taehyung POV

"Mom?... Mom!" seeing her lay there, no sound coming from her, I felt like it all came crashing down. 
"Mom please tell me you're just sleeping, dad a-and me n-needs you" 
The lump in my throat starting hurting while I tried holding my tears in.

Could I have saved her?
I should've seen the small signs she left.
I should've done something, but hell.. I was only 10 years old.
Too stupid and naive to understand what was really going on. 
Maybe it was my fault after all, maybe I'm that monster my father said, maybe I'm a disappointment. 

I could feel a single tear roll down my cheek, I've tried to keep it in for the past 13 years, but I seem to fail at that. I've build a wall so no one could get into my feelings, so I can't loose anyone again. 

"Taehyung?! The earth calls to Taehyung!!! You're spacing out again..." Yoongi said while nudging my shoulder. He has been the only one who knew, the only one who got a little piece of information. 

"Huh? Fuck... sorry I'm just really stressed and ugh! This shit just get's me so-" I cut my sentence short when I saw a group of people in front of the classroom giggling and screaming, couldn't they just hold in their fangirl moments in for just a bit? I heard Yoongi laugh beside me. 

"Haven't you heard it? There's a new boy coming, and apparently our old 'group' has already taken him in, maybe you should consider being apart of the squad again?" He said and his face lit up instantly, I could see the glimmer in his eyes when he thought about all the good times with our old friend group.

Why aren't we with them? you may ask, and the answer to that question is simple; I closed off completely. I shut every single one out, but Yoongi somehow managed to break the walls just a little. 

"No thanks dude, I'm better off without them. Besides who even cares if there's a new boy?" I said huffing out a bit, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. 
There wasn't anything exciting about a new boy, he would probably turn out to be just like the others. 

I could sense Yoongi was looking disappointed at me - wouldn't blame him for that though. 
"Just give it a try, maybe he is nice after all? Taehyung, please I beg you! This could be your opportunity to get something good out of it for once?" 

"Good? Good out of some new boy? Yeah, no thank you." 
I picked up my things and shoved them down into my bag, lunging the bag over my shoulder and making my way through the crowd, out of the door and finally I could get the chance to breathe for once. 

I walked rather quickly to reach a door that went up to the rooftop, where I would usually spend my breaks thinking and sometimes smoking if no one was in sight. 
There was no one, no one at all. 

"Fuck this shit, I'm so done.." I said while sliding down to the ground, hiding my face in my palms. "It was my fault after all wasn't it?" I sighed, reaching down into my pocket fishing out a cigaret, lighting it. 

I was so stuck in my own thoughts that I didn't hear the bell ring, or that I heard someone come up onto the roof close to where I was standing. I mindlessly threw the cigaret away, not caring where it landed. I turned around, and once I did I was met with some warm, big brown eyes. 

"Hi, I'm sorry if I disturbed you or anything... I just saw you and thought-" 

"Shut up for a second" I snapped, making the seemingly smaller boy freeze with wide eyes. 
I could barely hear what he said, but it sounded like an 'i'm sorry' 
"Look - If you tell the principal about me smoking I will cut your balls off, and feed them to my dog." I snapped once again, walking away bumping the boys shoulder in the process. 

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, the touch was soft - not rough at all, it was like the boy was scared of breaking me or something. 

"Look, I'm not trying to get my ass kicked on my first day, but someone named Yoongi said I should try to you know... Befriend you? I don't know, it sounds silly. But if you're up for getting a new friend, I'm here! Even though you scare me a bit..." The boy went on and on about how I should give him a chance, and I was about to loose my mind, not because I was angry, no. 

His voice was so pure and angelic. 

I looked him up and down, kind of checking him out, and I could see he tensed.
"Hey, no need to be so tense. I may come off as rude, but I'll consider it yeah? What's your name pup?" I said and smirked.

"J-Jeon Jungkook" the boy supposedly named Jungkook squeaked out.
"Well Jungkook, see ya around then, heres my number in case you need anyone to talk to, im up almost all of the time, so..." I said before walking away.

I wanted to stay longer.
There was just something about him, something about his personality. 
Maybe Yoongi was right after all, maybe he could give me something good. 


Hellur hellurrrr (; It's ya girl! Coming at you with a new fanfic WUUHUHUHUUHUHUHUHUHU
I swear it will get better over time uwu
Btw stream Ateez - say my name

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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