Rest Tea, Golden Portals, and Unknown Worlds

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The morning had been pretty normal for Kai until that point. His sister, Nya, had used her water power to splash him awake, Jay had made breakfast, only he accidentally electrocuted it, Cole had ghosted through the wall to scare them, and Lloyd had beaten Kai in the team's favorite video game. Zane had not done anything with Kai that morning, not that he ever did anything with anyone in the morning.

After lunch (Zane's turn to cook, yum!), the Ninja went out onto the deck of the Destiny's Bounty to train. Master Wu and Misako sat on the upper deck to watch the Ninja. While Nya practiced airjitzu, the boys practiced their strength and agility.

"Kai!" called Master Wu after a few hours, "Will you come here?" Kai sighed dropping the sword he'd been using and ran over to Master Wu.

"I need you to do me a favor." Kai nodded.

"Go to the tea shop and buy me some Rest Tea. Thank you." Kai nodded as he ran to the edge of the Bounty. He leaped off the sky-ship summoning his elemental dragon in the process. As he flew to the tea shop, he breathed in the warm afternoon air.

All of the sudden a golden portal appeared above him, sucking him in. This was not the first time Kai had seen or been in a portal, but the feeling of falling through space and time is one you can never get used to. The inside of the portal was like any other, with every color you can imagine streaked along the tunnel. The realm he landed into was like no other Kai had seen before. It was medieval yet practically drowning in all sorts of technology. Kai noticed where he was going to land only seconds before landing, so all he could do was brace himself for impact.

He landed with a painful thud on the grass. Kai glanced up at a young face looking curiously down at him. The boy had deep brown hair like Kai's, brown eyes to match, and tan skin. This kid, or rather teen, was dressed like one of those knights from one of Zane's fantasy books. Then Kai glanced over at another face peering down at him with a creepy smile on his lips. This face was young too, only it was covered in white clown paint with one of those creepy clown smiles painted in red.

"Clay, meet Kai. Kai, meet Clay." said the clown. Kai tried to nod but only succeeded in bumping his head on a stone that had been sitting next to him.

"Bye, bye!" Choked the clown. Then the knight, Clay, shot up into the portal causing it to disappear. Did I miss something? Kai wondered.

I hope you enjoyed!

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