Note From The Author

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The author apologizes that she cannot write the story in Tagalog or Bisaya (as the story is set in Davao City). After much contemplating, the author has decided to write in English due to the language her most confident choice regarding writing.

This story is set in the 1990s. Any inaccuracies are made on accident and any ignorance of Filipino customs or stereotypes that may seem offensive to some, the author apologizes.

The author requests that the readers read the story with an open mind with these considerations, as the author is not an expert in Filipino history but merely an aspiring writer running with a few hours of sleep and sheer will.

The author hopes that this will encourage people to read more of Filipino stories that are abundant in the site. That it will encourage Filipino writers to write more about their home country rather than foreign ones to gain more exposure to our literature. 

The author hopes you enjoy the story and history of the Philippines, its stories of youth and love and of friendship and perseverance.

Thank you for your time.


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