Camouflage chapter 5

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"Hey Sammy did you check if Castiel had his angel blade?" he asked quietly because he knew the Doctor was to much of a goody two shoes to stab someone

"yes and he does that is the only weapon we have against him and his wittle ahmy" said Sam mocking metatrons army

right then elle and errin came and hugged the brothers while Castiel was hugged by ash right then Castiel said "help me Dean she's hurting me"

while Allons kept talking about things he had incommon with him while the Doctor just kept agreeing to everything he said While they found out comic con was still open "can we all go?" said the gang of 4 friends and Castiel

"fine we might find one of metatrons soldiers! "said Dean hopeful that they will find one

"what if we all swap clothes like errin wears deans clothes ash wears sam's clothes and elle wears Castiel clothes and I wear the Doctor's clothes since we have no costumes and we don't want to much attention for them!" said Allons as he pointed to thae Doctor and the spn team

"fine!" said the Doctor and the SPN team in unison


"good thing the tardis had a clothes swapping machine in all our closets" said the Doctor as he wore Allons' clothes

"Um Doctor why did the Tardis have to swap interior clothes because we all don't like wearing bras and panties!" said Dean as he fixed Errin's bra and pointed to his brother and Castiel

"well we don't have bras now so that's not to good for us!" said errin as she fixed Dean's shirt

but come on we gotta search for some angels

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