Part 2

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All three of the Carrington children were sitting across from their dad and his soon-to-be new wife in the living room of their home. Steven had wrapped one of his arms around Georgia when he noticed she couldn't stay still for more than a few seconds. She had been feeling nervous ever since Blake had dropped the bomb on them. Her right foot was quietly tapping the floor as they were all waiting for someone to break the heavy silence. The tension was high and Georgia could especially feel Fallon's anger. She knew that all hell was about to break loose. It was only a matter of time.

Everyone got a drink handed to them. Fallon and Steven exchanged a look while Georgia was just staring at Cristal. She still couldn't believe that her father was engaged to her and that she was about to be their new stepmother. Just the thought of that made her sick to her stomach. She had never really thought about her father getting married again. Sure, Blake had had several girlfriends in and out of his life since his divorce from Alexis but no one ever seemed to stick for too long and Georgia liked it that way. The Carringtons didn't need another woman to come into their life. She didn't hate Cristal, after all she didn't know her, but she clearly wasn't thrilled by the situation nor was she ready to welcome her into the family.

"So, this is a nice surprise. I'm usually the one to make things awkward around here." Steven was the first one to speak. Unlike his sisters, Steven seemed amused. "Well, I'm happy to relieve you of that burden." Cristal answered. Georgia couldn't help but roll her eyes. Oh please, did they really have to play nice right now? She looked at Fallon who hadn't said a word yet. How the hell was she so quiet? "Why didn't you call me back?" Blake asked. "If I had any idea you were coming I would have -" He started but couldn't finish. "Not sure why you're so surprised... You asked us to come!" Steven cut him off, more aggressive than he had been toward Cristal. If Steven was the charming and polite one of the family, he also wasn't the type to take any bullshit, especially when it was coming from their dad. "When was the last time you did anything I asked you to?" Blake defended himself. "Oh dad, stop acting as if you don't bang all of your girlfriends in front of us" Fallon intervened. Georgia almost spit out some of her drink on the floor and Steven chuckled. Fallon wasn't lying.

There was another moment of awkward silence. Georgia looked up at her dad and she could tell he wasn't pleased with their behavior. Seriously, what was he expecting? "I've heard so much about you three." Cristal said as she lovingly put her hand on Blake's thigh. Georgia's eyes were immediately drawn to that gesture and she had to put her glass on the table in front of her to avoid dropping it. "And yet we've heard nothing about you." She said with more anger in her voice than she had expected. "That's why I called. I want you to get to know Cristal before our engagement party." She turned to Blake as he spoke. "Except you didn't call me, dad. Fallon did." In fact, her father hadn't called her in months. "The party is on Sunday and I expect the three of you to be there." He ignored her. "You are not children anymore so I want everyone on their best behavior." He grabbed Cristal's hand and a huge diamond ring was suddenly brought to everyone's attention. "At least now we know what happened to Kim Kardashian's stolen ring." Fallon joked ironically. "Fallon." Blake warned, obviously not amused. "Yeah, that's ridiculous. They arrested those guys." Steven played along. "You. Not helping!" Georgia smiled as her siblings were testing Blake's patience.

"You're right daddy, there's no point in getting upset. It's only an engagement." Fallon dropped her glass on the table and stood up from the couch. "Anything can happen." She stormed out of the room. Blake immediately excused himself to follow her, leaving Steven and Georgia alone with Cristal. Georgia looked up at her older brother, unsure of what to do next. Cristal was looking just as upset as Fallon but she forced a smile. "Please, forgive my sister. She thought she was getting a promotion, not a stepmother." Of course Steven was being nice again. "And what did you think?" Cristal asked looking at the two of them. "I thought I was getting an apology" Steven answered honestly. Georgia smiled sadly at him, knowing perfectly what he was referring to. "And I didn't think anything because dad didn't call me." She was still bitter about it. Steven patted her on the back for comfort. They all stayed quiet for another minute or two before Georgia finally had enough and went up to her room.

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