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"I'm sick."
"Oh, do you need medicine?"
"No, I'm sick in the brain."

Okay, so, this is the first chapter and it feels weird to reveal things to people. Because..well, I guess I'm kinda quiet sometimes😂
Anyways, I don't know if it's just me, but my brain does this thing called
Now, not only would this so called conversation NEVER EXIST, but it stresses me out!! And I can't stop my brain from doing it either!
But, you know, sometimes they're good. Sometimes.

Anyways, I just wanted to share something small as a starting just to give you a little taste of what I'll be publishing. I'll kinda be doing things like theories, shower thoughts, rants and weird things about me I guess😂
Anyways, that's it for this first part; thanks!

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