some truth

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Below we will discuss some of these differences and how they created a divide between the North and the South that eventually caused the Civil War.
Industry vs. Farming. ...
States' Rights. The idea of states' rights was not new to the Civil War. ...
Expansion. ...
Slavery. ...
Bleeding Kansas. ...
Abraham Lincoln. ...
Secession. ...

OK so being from TX I know how the farming works. the industry's make it to where large produce farms could not work without having government funds and equipment also having seeds for growing the crops and the people of the south didn't like that also they would be taxed massively for there farming.

Next the southern states wanted a lot of different laws then Lincoln was placing the southern states where almost like there one country and they wanted to stay that way. They even had their own currency and different housing even.

I talked a little bit about the taxing earlier and now some more information in Lincoln's second term he rose taxes causing inflation making people have to work double making it impossible to get ahead or even just to a point where they wouldn't get arrested for not paying taxes or get there land taken by the bank.

Now on to the thing people still scream about 120 year later slavery let me start off by saying Lincoln was one of the biggest slave owners and not all slaves where treaded that bad but the where treated more like human sled dogs witch is still pretty bad it was uncommon for owners to beat them But like dog still that one cruel human and like animals selective breading finding the biggest strongest men and women there child would be just as big  that's how we have 7ft basketball players from selective breading. So the south didn't want to lose there work dogs because if they did the work by two people would be hell in the southern heat.

I'm gonna make a part 2  so hang tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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