Chapter One

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•Emily's POV•

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia,

And forget about the stupid little things,

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you,

And the memories that I never can escape.

Cause I'm not fine at all,

Yeah I'm really not fine at all,

Tell me this is just a dream,

Cause I'm really no fine at all."

I sing my heart out while washing the conditioner out of my hair. The song ends and I step out of the shower. I dry my long blonde hair with my blow dryer and wrap a towel around my pale body.

Today is February 7 which means school. Ugh. I walk over to my closet and pick out my clothes. I put on maroon skinny jeans, a floral California tank top, a bulky white cardigan, and chestnut Uggs.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I see a lonely, ugly, and unloveable girl staring back. My friends and family always tell me I'm pretty, but they have to say that. Right?

I take out my foundation and cover my pimples and freckles. Much better. I add mascara and some babylips lip gloss. Next I take out my brush and brush out my hair. I simply bobby pin my side bangs back with a white bow.


"Hello?" I answer my phone.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU EMILY?!?!" screams my friend Bella.

"I'm coming Bella! Calm your tits!" I end the call and grab my backpack off my bed. I run downstairs, grab a banana, and run out the door.

I walk two blocks to Bella's house so we can walk to school together. I walk up to her back door and walk in.

"BELLA" I whisper yell.

"EMILY" she yells back.

"Where are you?"

"Watching Good Morning America. Come here child" I walk into the kitchen where I find Bella eating a poptart watching tv.

"GIMME ONEEEE!!!" I yell. I grab a poptart and shove it my mouth.


"BELLA!!!" I yell. She shows me the picture laughing.

"This is why you're still single" she says while hysterically laughing.

"Thanks Bella. I appreciate your support. Now we have to start walking. Or we're gonna be late" We walk out the back door and start walking down the alley towards the school.


First period... French. Blahhhhh. I honestly don't know why I picked French instead of Spanish. I mean, when am I really going to use it? You're right! Never.

Second period music isn't much better. The only plus is that Nick Robertson is in my class and he sits next to me! Okay, backstory!

Nick is super cute! He plays baseball, basketball, football, the works. He is tall and has curly brown hair, and hazel eyes. Mm mm. Just pure yum.

The only problem is that I'm like ugly and he's like hot so me + him= really good April fools joke.

I get through second period without getting caught staring at Nick and move on to third period, Communication Arts.

I kind of like comm. arts. I mean it can get boring at times, but I really like writing.

"Alrighty ladies and gents! Today we are going to start off with a writing assignment!" my teacher Miss. Davis says. The class groans, but I smile. I always do well in her class so I know it will be easy for me.

"Since valentines day is coming up, your assignment is to write about love. It could be a love story, a poem, a definition of true love, anything! You have a week to complete this assignment! Begin!"

I decide I'm going to write my idea of true love. I write for why seems like forever, when the bell rings. I jump up and head to lunch.

I grab a tray and sit down at my usual table. My friends Brooke, Rachel, Maggie, Meredith, and Bella are already there.

"Hey guys!" I say as I unpack my lunch and set it on my tray.

"Hey" they all chorus back. Our conversation is quite boring so I am relieved when the bell rings.

I walk to fourth period, phys ed. UGHHHH. I open my locker and change into my blue and orange uniform with sneakers then head up to the gym where a dream comes true. We're playing volleyball!! I'm captain of my schools varsity volleyball team and I LOVE IT.

We divide into teams and of course everyone wants to be on my team.💁 I turn around and look at my team. Great. I have probably 3 of the most unathletic girls ever on my team. Oh well. On the bright side, I have two really athletic guys so I guess it makes up for it.

I help my team get into position with me playing outside hitter (muh spotttt). I look through the net and see who I'm up against. Holy shit. I'm up against Nick. Nick Robertson. He's going dowwwwn.

Nick's team serves the ball and one of the guys on my team bumps it up to the other one who sets it to me. I get into position, start to jump, and spike it directly down, only to hit the one and only, Nick Robertson.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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