14 ➸; cold sweat

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inspiration: nothing im just bored :,)
ship: janiel 🤠😳😎🤩😔🤪😩

j a c k

i laid in bed. coldly.

the cold air filled my room.

the smell of cologne hit me.

the shadow of a long slim boy.

soft groans escaped my mouth.

"jack?" he said.


"you've been moaning and groaning all night, are you alright?" he asked.


"s-sorry." i said.

"you were calling out my name as well." he said.



"yeah- um i was just dreaming, i guess." i said.

"do you want me to stay?" he asked.

"s-sure." i said, scooting over.

he laid next to me.

the smell of his cologne was so wonderful.

it was like heaven for me.

i felt his hand slide under me.

he cuddled me.

just slightly.

the touch of his cold rings hit my skin making me feel a tingling feeling.

i moaned.

"im so sorry." i said.

"shh." he said.

he got up on his knees making the bed creak.

my eyes wondered his body.

"daniel-" i said.

he held down my hips.

"f-fuCk." i moaned trying to lose grip.

"shush." he whispered in my ear as he bit my neck.

his touches were so soft but so tough.

his lips against my neck was soothing.

he lost grip of me and i jumped up. i jumped on him cupping his face.

i probably made his lips bleed.

his grip on my hips was so steady.

as if he never wanted to let go.

i straddled over his lip making soft affectionous moans escape his mouth.

i wrapped my arms around his neck attacking his neck.

"im so tired." i whispered as i wiped off the sweat off my forehead.

"you're so weak." daniel said as he kissed me.

"just hug me." i said.


a/n: cold sweAt ice dripping 🤪🤪 lol hope you guys enjoyed i need sleep gn

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