TWITCAM (ashton).

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I was sitting in my living room and was watching the 5sos twit cam in person! I missed them all so much but especially my boyfriend ashton so I'm glad too be here with him Even when they were in town I didn't really get too see them because no one knows of mine and Ashton's relationship yet. I'm tired of hiding , his fans are so nice and loyal I'm sure they wouldn't mind seeing there idol happy. But then there's some who are very rude.

I was sat on my phone on twitter as they were filming. I was off too the side because I didn't want too be seen . I turned off my phone as I just watched them goof around in front of the camera .

"So we have a few announcements too make but first we are going too each read some questions sent in by you guys," Luke said pointing at the camera .

"Here's one, 'luke how was your birthday?' This question is from Samantha in Toronto," Calum read his phone.

"Uh my birthday was great and yeah we had a little party, that's all you need too know." Luke laughed. All the boys laughed as well

"Haha okay 'ashton, can you deny or confirm the girlfriend rumors?' Says Amanda from Michigan." Michael says and raises a eyebrow.

My heart sunk and I started too get nervous.

"Uhh.." Ashton mumbled. "It's not fair too keep it a secret from you guys cos I love you all ... But I also love my GIRLFRIEND y/n.. She means the world too me guys, and I would love for you all too meet her.. Come here y/n." Ashton says calling me .

I was extremely nervous , "oh my gosh no," I whispered.

"Come on!" He laughed. "Sorry guys she's a little shy." Ashton said into the camera.

"Y/N get your ass over here!" Michael yelled.

I couldn't help but giggle, ashton got up and held my hand. "I'm scared," I bit my lip .

"You have no reason too be come on," he smiled.

Soon I was in front of the camera , he sat down and pushed me down too sit on his lap.

"So this is my beautiful amazing girlfriend y/n.." Ashton said kissing my cheek.

"Well say something," He said.

We all bursted into laughter . "Uh hi," I waved.

"By the way if you send our girl y/n here hate you are wasting you time because she Is the most coolest person ever, so fuck off!" Michael screamed.

"You should all listen too Mikey!" Ashton said. "But anyways guys , I hope you all understand that I'm happy and in love but don't worry because I love you guys all so much." Ashton said.

I blushed.

"Now that you've met y/n I have someone I want you too meet ," Calum said.

We all looked at him confused . "Haha just kidding I have no one. Except for Luke." He said winking at Luke.

"Aww Calum your making me blush," Luke said.

"We are going too cut the twit cam short because we have a interview in like twenty minutes but we will be back on later tonight." Ashton said.

"Bye guys we love you!" Luke yelled .

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