Not A Child Anymore

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I didn't know to which I should react first.

To the fact that Lucy was here in Narnia?

Or to the fact that she fainted?

I lifted her from the floor and carried her to the hallway. Lucy looked older than before. She was taller, her hair was longer and her face had changed a bit. Though, she was still little Lucy to me. Surprisingly, despite being older, she was light in my arms.

There was a room she could use until I told the servants to prepare her chambers and I saw a servant meanwhile.

"Open the door for me, please." It wasn't a plea, more of an order but I didn't make it sound harsh. The servant girl opened the door and let us pass inside the room. I was in the center of the room and placed Lucy on the bed that was there. She was still unconscious. I sat there next to her, her head touching my chest as I stroke her hair and waited for her to wake up.


When I opened my eyes, I was leaning on someone's chest and that someone, was stroking my hair.

I froze at first but then it came back to me that I was in Narnia. Which made me freeze twice as I realized I was leaning on Caspian and he was stroking my hair.

I so wanted to yell 'I'm not a child anymore' to stop him from doing these things. Don't get me wrong, I wanted him to do what he was doing, but not in a friendly manner. I didn't want to ruin this though. Instead of yelling, I turned my head -he stopped touching my hair- and looked at him.

His dark eyes looked back at me and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I hid that of course, as I was used to it. I whispered "Caspian." again as the first time I saw him today. And he of course said the same thing "Lucy. Please don't faint again." He smiled and I chuckled. I broke my gaze and said "I never thought I'd see you again." I whispered but I knew he heard me because we were that close.

"Me neither." was his response. He stood up from the bed and left out the door. Well that was kind of... weird? I saw a servant girl standing beside the door and before she could leave I said

"Well don't leave me here, not knowing what I'm supposed to do." She looked at me as I talked and opened her mouth to speak.

"Your Majesty, I do not know what you should be doing. I was only helping His Majesty."

"Helping him? Doing what?"

"I helped him... by opening the door..."

I was taken aback by her words. "What? Couldn't he open it on his own?"

"No, your Majesty. He was carrying you, your Highness." I blinked at her answer. He was carrying me? Like, in his arms? That made me blush and turn my head the other way.

"Just Lucy, please."

"As you wish." With that she turned to leave. Oh great. What am I going to do now? I sighed and I watched a guard stepping in the room.

"Your Majesty you must follow me."

"And why should I do that?" I wasn't trying to be rude... just... I don't know.

"I have orders." Hmph.

I followed the guard to the doorway and the hallway. We walked up the stairs and we stopped outside a room with double doors. He opened them and told me this was my bedroom. 

The large room had tall windows decorated with curtains in a shade of red. A crystal chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. The elegant bed had red pillows with white sheets and quilt making the bed seem fatter. A closet was near the bed, wooden and looked like the one I had found so many years ago. I smiled at the memory. 

The guard had left. I was just in another room now. Still stuck with my questions. I didn't know anything. 

I sighed in exasperation as I sat in the edge of the bed. And just because someone came and left in the rooms I was in, Caspian stepped into my room.

I looked up to the sound of the door opening. "Lucy, could you answer a few questions for me?" He asked but I knew I couldn't say no. 

"Sure. I expected you to have some anyway."

He sat next to me and asked me the most obvious question. "How are you here?"

How. I thought he'd ask why. I guess that would seem like he didn't want me here. But what if he didn't? And he'd just been polite? "I... my mirror in my wardrobe. It sort of sparkled, I reached closer to it and when I blinked again I was here." Well not here exactly but he understood that. "I don't know why I'm here either. Has something bad happened? Is Narnia in danger? But Eustace was supposed to come if it was." I spoke quickly, without taking a breath and Caspian almost chuckled. Almost.

"Narnia is not in danger, Lu. Don't worry about that." He said with a deep voice. After a long pause that I did not like, he spoke again. He was probably thinking why I was here whereas I was thinking about ... how fast my heart was beating. "How are things back at home?"

I wanted to correct him. You mean 'how is Susan?'. Which made me sigh in exasperation again but before I could make a sound I stopped myself.

It was my birthday. I thought. He didn't remember... 

"Um... great." I said without any hint of my true emotions. After a small pause he added.

"How is your sister?" I was glad he couldn't see my face because anger was written all over it.

I tried to contain my anger and answered "She's fine," I thought about adding "She goes to a new party every week." and I did. Fortunately, I said it emotionless. I looked at him and I saw slight sadness perhaps. "Caspian, how long has it been?" 

He inhaled deeply before replying. "Three years." I was taken aback for the second time today.

"How is that even possible?"

"How long has it been in England?"

"Two years." It was his turn to be astonished. So he was 23 now. I couldn't help it, sorry.

"Interesting..." I heard him mumble. "I'm sorry, Lucy but I have to go now." He got up and left.

"Well, at least now he said that he had to leave." I thought aloud. My eyes away from the door. 

Someone cleared their throat behind me and I turned immediately to see who it was. I faced a woman with blonde hair. "Welcome back, your Majesty." 

"Call me Lucy, please. And who are you?" As I said it, another woman with dark skin and dark hair entered the room.

"My name is Fiona." The blonde woman said. "I'm Miley." said the other. The blonde woman continued "Miley is my assistant. We are here to make your dresses."

How wonderful.

Hello!! Thank you for reading my fanficition! Of course it didn't end here silly. XD

Hmm... Caspian is acting a little weird... Why do you think that is?? 

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