Spider-Man Kiss ~ (Peter Parker)

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On the daily walk home from school, slightly dark clouds began to form. It was just about 2:30, and I had so much chemistry homework. I began to hear a few footsteps behind me, but thought nothing of it, so I stuck my headphones in.

Bad decision number one.

I blasted the music like every teenage girl ever, because this song really gets me in my feelings, even though my only crush right now is low key Spider-Man.

Bad decision number two.

I was so busy enjoying the weather of the mid-fall day, that I passed my apartment by 3 blocks. I was wearing a deep maroon cardigan that hit my legs mid-thigh, a lazy white cami-top, and a denim skirt with buttons all of the way up the front, high on the waist, having my cami tucked into it. I wore knee high nude boots with heels.

Fall is my favorite season to dress for. The fun cardigans, boots, scarves, and not that you can wear them, but pumpkin spice lattes.

Since I had passed my apartment, I found it fitting to walk just a bit further, to grab my favorite seasonal drink at my local Starbucks.

I strutted down the sidewalk and suddenly felt a cool liquid drop hit the tip of my nose. I smile.

Rain has always calmed me down, and I was genuinely cheerful, until I felt a cold barrel pushed to my temple, and the rain clouds darkened the sky even more navy.

"Give is everything, your back pack, your watch, your necklace, your wallet, and your phone." I hear a deep and contorted voice exclaim to me, in a tone unforgettable.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as two more gunmen surrounded me, and I froze.

"Do it now!" I could feel the mans temper raising, but I was frozen, and scared.

One of the men tucked his gun in his belt and pulled out a knife, holding it to my throat, while holding my waist, making me uncomfortable. His touch was so harsh, so scary.

"What's your name, princess?" He said, aggressively.

"I-it's, uhh, it's Y/N. M-m-my wallet and p-Phone are in my p-p-p-pocket" I whimpered our with a few more tears.

I closed my eyes, fearful for my neck, and I could feel a slight cut forming, from the sharpness of the knife. The third gunman came close to me and hit my ass, as they all laughed about it, but it caused me to shift and whine, making the knife hit a little bit deeper into my neck.

"Damn, I bet she's good in bed!" Said the first gunman. I hope he was kidding.

Apparently that comment warranted laughter, but it also came with consequences.

"How about you fellas leave the pretty lady alone, eh?" I opened my eyes, still squinting, to see the Spider-Man, standing before me. He webs the gun as it's fired at him, and the one who began to grab my things from my pockets suddenly whips his gun out and kicks Spiderman in the gut.

Spidey stands back up, and throws a blow to the mans face, leaving a red mark. He kicks him in the groin and throws him to the floor.

"Damnit," I hear from the one bearing the knife, as Spiderman begins to fight the first attacker, behind you.

He pivots me, with the knife still digging into my throat, and announces to the Spider Hero, "one more move, and I kill the girl." I'm sure he has a nasty grin on his face, and it aggravates me, to the point where I spin, leaving a cut around my neck, but not very deep. I knee him in the groin, punch his throat, and kick his face, evidently breaking his nose.

"Uh, uhm, oh, wow." I hear. I then turn around, and see a stunned Spiderman, upside down, hanging from a string.

"Uh, yea, I didn't know I could do that" I said in shock of my aggressive moves.

"Wow, you're, incredibly badass" he says, and I can tell he's smiling under his mask.

"To what do I owe the man who saved me, though?" I say, smirking a little, as I walked closer to the scarlet spider.

"You really saved yourself, but I mean you don't owe me anything, really. You're really cool and pretty and-" I cut him off by lifting his mask over his nose, just enough to expose his lips, and place a soft, and grateful kiss on his pink cheek.

"I bet your even cuter with the rest of that mask off, spideyboy." I say with a smile stretched across my face.

"Guess you'll never find out" he says as he cups my chin, and kisses me on the lips. I pull his head closer to me, and have to stand on my toes just to really reach his lips.

After a sweet kiss, I slowly pull his mask up to cover his face, him still upside down. I back out of the alleyway, and blush down at the sidewalk.
This was pretty long I guess. Do you guys want them longer or shorter? I had a lot of fun writing this by the way. Anyways, please send in requests, love you guys 💗💗

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