Chapter Four

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As the four of them started to warm up to this new dynamic, Emma couldn't believe how well they all seemed to click. Ethan and Grayson were pretty much the exact same off camera as they were on. This pleased her so much. It was hard to find people like that nowadays.

With her best friends, Hannah and Ellie, it was totally different. They had met through about a million other girls and discovered each other through that. This little foursome had been thrown together by the force of nature that was James Charles. This group felt special, exclusive even. And as much as she hated to admit it, the inclusion sent a shiver down her spine that would not let up all night, like she was electric. Or maybe that was the feeling of Ethan's eyes on her. Or even the possibility that they could be on her. It was surreal.

"Ethan's about to crush us all for a real one."

James said, interrupting her thoughts.

"How are you so good at this bro?!" Grayson exclaimed, astonished. Emma was quickly learning that didn't take much to absolutely amaze the twins.
Ethan shrugged nonchalantly.

"Maybe these shoes are lucky!"

There had been much debacle about bowling shoes throughout the evening. James had refused to wear them and convinced Emma to take that stand with him. The guy at the counter didn't really seem to care considering James doubled the rental price and handed the cash to the dude without batting an eye. The twins had argued that renting bowling shoes was "part of the experience" and snide and hilarious slander had been subtlety hurled at each other all night. It was fucking golden. The YouTuber in Emma had wished she'd vlogged it after the fact.

"Yeah I don't think so, sweetie." James had said as he struggled to pick up his bowling ball without touching his nails to the sides of the finger holes. "You'll be 'lucky'," he air quoted with his free hand "if you don't get fungus from those musty crusty ass shoes." James said sassily as he spun to take his turn.

Ethan jokingly swaggered back to the table where a Emma was sitting and sat beside her in the annoying swivel chairs, spinning around to face her. Grayson saw him and sat across from Emma.

"So. We saw your video with Tana..." Ethan started, playfully raising an eyebrow. They chuckled as she immediately started fake-vomiting and turning beet red.

"Look guys..."

"No it's fine!" Grayson cut her off, "at least now we know you like Ethan more, right off the bat."
Emma was sweating at this point. She was fanning herself with the neck of her sweatshirt.

"Emma it's your turn!" James screeched over the sound of the boys laughter and clattering pins. Saved by the bell. She jumped out of her chair and quickly skipped over to James, who handed her the purple ball.

"They saw Tana's video." She whispered under her breath.

"Oh honey," James said, walking back toward the table. "Everyone's seen that video." and he took his seat next to Grayson at the table.


Ethan, of course, won all three games of bowling, much to Grayson's dismay.

"I swear this shit is rigged..." Grayson said as they walked across the bowling alley to a small, horrifically lit lounge area. Ethan threw an arm around him and squeezed his shoulder.

"Don't worry buddy, you put up a good fight." He looked over at Emma and chuckled, and she did the same. Grayson shoved his brother's arm off of him with a pout and ran forward to keep up with James, who was a little ahead of them in the hallway, checking Insta.

Emma and Ethan walked closely to one another down the hallway until they reached the glass door to the lounge. Grayson and James had already claimed a couch. Ethan held open the door for her, and she easily stepped under his tanned arm, catching a whiff of his deodorant, and she thought it was fucking delightful.

"What are you guys looking at?" Ethan asked once he too had stepped inside. James and Grayson were flipping through a binder with laminated pages.

"Karaoke songs. Y'all don't have to, but you best believe I'm about to sister sing for a real one."
James then picked his songs and started singing. This gave you some time to just watch in awe. Halfway through James's rendition of "Teenage Dream", Grayson broke the dumbstruck silence.

"So we've gotten one piece of awkwardness out of the way."

Emma looked over at Ethan, who did the eyebrow thing again. They were definitely about to roast her good.

"Why haven't you responded to my DMs?" Grayson asked intently.

"I'm sorry, you DMed me?" Emma said in a frantic voice. She immediately pulled out her phone, opened Twitter, and searched his name. Sure enough, there it was. She read it out loud.

"Hey Emma! First off, thank you for watching our videos throughout the years." she paused and jokingly purses her lips and batted her eyelashes at them. "I mean, no prob." they laughed and she continued reading. "Second, my idiot brother and I are wondering if you might need help moving once that time comes. We think your Twitter is fucking hilarious and we'd love to get to know you and maybe even collab with you and James? Hope to see you soon. :)"

She put her head in her hands. Of course it was the cutest thing she'd ever fucking read. Of course it was.

"Well, I will need help moving. That's for fucking sure." They all burst out laughing again.

"We'll be there." Grayson said.

"Yeah," Ethan replied, nodding his head.

"Absolutely." And they went back to watching James just as James finished his final,

"Let you put your hands on me, in my skin-tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight!"

But as much as she tried to stay cool, Emma could still feel a warm set of hazel eyes on the exposed back of her neck. And she fucking loved it.

LMAO HEY GUYS hope ur enjoying this shit! plz leave me comments i love you and wanna hear what you have to say and i wanna make friends haha i'm lonely haha i love you haha pt. 5 coming vvv soon

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