Day 1

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Summer of  1918, during the Spanish Influenza outbreak.

As I lay dying on my scratchy cot in the crowded infirmary, I imagine what will happen after my final breath. Maybe I will become a new life, with a new purpose. Perhaps I will go to another world where all my past relatives coexist peacefully. However there might not be anything at all, nothing except blackness might await me after death.

These thoughts and possible outcomes consume every moment that I am awake. I have nothing to do besides think and God knows thinking too much is never good. As I watch the sick patients come and the corpses go, I can't help but picture where their souls have ended up.

Nightfall quickly approaches and the makeshift tent is blanketed in darkness. The nurses have gone home to their families and those of us that are still clinging to life are left to fend for ourselves. I close my hazel eyes and exhale shakily as a cool wind blows throughout the tent. The feel of the air is both blissful and absolute agony.

A rustle sounds next to me and I barely manage to turn my head to face the noise. A light fog begins to swirl around me and my weak breathing quickens as panic sets in.

"Reeellaaaxxxx, chhiiiillldddd." A whispy voice soothes to me.

I attempt to respond, however only hoarse gasps and gags make their way out of my dry throat. Unable to move I watch helplessly as the fog forms into a lanky creature.

"Iiii caannn hhheellppp youuuu." It continues to talk to me as it leans over my thin shaking body, touching my dark hair gently. "Trrussstt meeee."

I have no choice, but to let the creature take over. The foggy figure seeps into my pale skin and a heavy weightlessness settles into my frail bones. The air becomes crisp, breathable even, and I no longer feel the deathly illness slowly draining my life.

How is this possible? I mentally ask myself as I push myself up into a sitting position. I should be dying, but I feel so, so alive. I press my hand to my chest to feel my heart beating, although it isn't there.

"W-what?" I whisper and push on the area over my heart, hoping that I've just gone mad.

"Iiii tollldddd youuuu, iiii caannnn heellllppppp." The creatures voice echos inside my ears and I gasp. "Yoouuuu willlll noo lonngggerrrr feeeeellll deeeaattthhhhsssss paaaiiiinn."

"What do you mean? What have you done to me?" I ask it in fear of what I have become, no longer living, but not quite dead. I am a monster.

"Nottttt aaa monnnssttterrrrrr." It protests with a hiss and a burning starts in my stomach. I grasp at my abdomen and groan as the fire inside grows stronger. "Yoouuuu aarrrreeee myyy crrreeeaaaattttiiiooonnnnn." It purrs pridefully and my body lurches off of the cot, standing on unsteady legs.

The creature, being in control of my movements, drags my uncooperative body over to the cot closest to mine and inhales through my nose. A twisted grin forms on my lips as the creature cups the dying mans cheek.

"Sttiiilllllll ffressshhhh." It moans and in an instant my teeth are sunken deep into the mans throat. All I hear are feeble whimpers of prostest as I tear at the man with my fingers. Whipping my head back I take a chunk of flesh with me and I greedily devour the raw meat.

The burn in my stomach only gets stronger the more I ingest, but I can't get enough. The warm blood covering my hands and body, the slimy flesh sliding down my esophagus, the light dimming from the mans eyes as he succumbs to death. It's all perfect.

As I lick the blood off my hand and suck the leftover meat out from under my fingernails, my body is already moving onto the next victim. This one already dead, though judging by her skin coloring it hasn't been more than a few minutes. My stomach snarls and I shrug as I dig into my second meal.

Looking down at my hands I see that my nails have sharpened into claws, amazing. I use the one on my pointer finger to slice open her torso before I reach in and grab a handful of intestines. Taking a bite I split the organ enough for me to take an end of it and slurp it down like one would do with spaghetti.

A gutteral groan escapes my throat and I shovel her still warm internal organs into my mouth. The creature inside me sitting back, watching me contently as I feast. I had never tasted anything so tantalizing in my life. I guess all I needed to do was die after all.

My third victim of the night is one of the newly ill. This one I may actually get a reaction out of. As I draw nearer I see his eyes widen in shock at what he is witnessing. I snarl and leap ontop of him, baring my teeth in his face.

He screams, not that it will do him much good to, but the sound is music to my ears. A sadistic chuckle arises out of me and I press my hands down on his chest, feeling his heart beat madly. The feeling of his fear getting me riled up, I grind myself against his thigh and mewl. I nip at his cheek and lick up the sprouting blood drop.

Despite the knowledge of his inevitable death, I feel the mans length start to harden against my leg. I giggle maniacally and reach down to give him a rough squeeze. This illicits a squeal out of him and furthers my bloodlust. I never stop my grinding as I drag my claws down his chest, leaving nice trails of blood for me to enjoy.

Slowly I start tearing into his chest, aiming for the best treasure of all, the beating organ that got me all worked up in the first place. His screams fade, but I make sure they stay long enough for me to fully enjoy myself as I rip his heart out.

The moment my teeth sink into the tough muscle an orgasm like I've never experienced before rips through me. I moan loudly and savor the treat in the cusp of my hand as my high dies down and the hunger returns. Getting off of the man I lick my teeth and groan before moving on.

The night draws to a close, with me chowing down on all of the living housed inside of the tent. I feel no remorse, only a hunger that cannot be satiated. A hunger that I have no control over, not that I desire the control anyways. My body has gotten increasingly heavier and the creature has been strangely silent for a long time.

When the sunlight streams into the tent I fall to my knees and I finally understand. The creature has left me and I am not going to survive the morning. Collaping further I lay with my chest to the floor and my limbs spread out around me.

With my last stolen breath, I smile, as I hear the morning nurses scream when they see the damage I have done.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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