Disappearing Dawn

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@Kaleda helped me with this!

The ideas were mine, the writing was hers.





I always knew I was different. I just didn't know how, at first. I knew I was living like it was the 1970s, instead of everyone else living in 2010.

My parents were--of course--hippies. Making me a hippy, too. Now, I'm not trying to be a stereotype here--I know that everyone thinks hippies eat tofu and are vegetarians--but... well, I eat tofu and I'm a vegetarian.

Even my name is hippy. Dawn Scarlett.

I like to wear tie-dyed shirts, peace necklaces, and Hawaiian skirts.

They're extremely comfortable, if you ask me.

Anyway, I'm twenty one years old now. But... let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Chapter One: Dancing Leaves.

I watched the leaves blow in the autumn breeze.

Red, orange, yellow, and the occasional green...

They danced in the wind across the street.

Yet I could not dance with them,

It was the last time I'd ever see these gems,

For I was moving again.

This morning.

I like poetry--I always have. It's a way to get out my sadness, or anger. I never get mad at anyone. I never cry. All I do is take out a notebook and pen and let my feelings pour out of me onto the page.

Each moment passed by like a decade. I didn't want to leave. Every time, I'd make new friends and memories and fall in love. With the place, I mean--the nature--NOT any guy. Ew. In my opinion, 14-year-olds can't fall in love--not real love, at least. Well, I guess some could, but I'm not the type. I think it's pointless, because it probably won't last anyway.

"Dawn!" calls my mom's voice, stressed and determined. "Get in here before we leave without you!"

I take one last look at the dancing leaves--*my* dancing leaves, that I was now abandoning, until they'd be discovered again by a wandering stranger in the woods; a short young man who feels lonely because his girlfriend has just left him. Well, I didn't *know* that, of course. But I liked to imagine. It was one of my talents... my huge imagination.


"I'm coming! Just one sec..."

Looks like my time is up.

Good-bye forever, dancing leaves.

Chapter Two will be posted soon.

Dawn will move to Crescent Rose, a practically abandoned city (population: 40) that is freezing cold and icy.

It'll be posted around next week.

Comment with your suggestions, and vote!!!


Disappearing DawnWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt