Sleep tight, little Jedi

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The four of them had been stuck in the tiny shuttle for what felt like eternity with a few non-pilot crew members to pick up supplies from a small neutral planet on the "other side of the friggen galaxy," Finn's words. Rey and Poe switched off piloting shifts for three days until Rose kicked Poe out of the cockpit just fifteen minutes after he took over for Rey, who he had just sent to bed. "I am a perfectly capable pilot, Poe Dameron." She snapped, her hands on her hips. For how small she was, she was terrifying. "You can barely see straight! Between you and Rey, you both have only slept a few hours in the last three days!"

He grumbled as he slammed the console into autopilot. "Fine." He snapped before he frowned. "I'm sorry . . ."

Rose's face softened. "It's okay." She said, placing a hand on his arm. "You need some sleep."

Poe got up, leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. "Thanks."

Before he left, Finn entered the cockpit. "You're going to have to fight Rey for the captain's bunk." He said, moving around him to sit in the copilots seat.

Poe growled as he walked past him. "She's not that scary, I can take her."

Finn snorted. "You're crazy if you think you can fight her. She's strong even without the force." He said. "She knocked me on my ass when I first met her, when she thought I stole this jacket from you. . ."

Rose punched Finn in the arm to quiet him. "I'm sure you can." She said with a bright smile, it didn't stop Poe from glaring at them as he took the three stairs into the common room where miscellaneous crew meandered around, bored probably, not that Poe cared. He crossed the small galley, opting to eat something before sleeping for the next three years. The pickings were slim, between ration packets or sandwich making supplies. He settled on making a sandwich.

The captain's quarters was small, with the tiniest bed in the galaxy. Poe opened the door and the light from the galley shined on the lump of Rey, who groaned in response. "If it's the First Order, tell them to sod off." She growled from the pillow, not bothering to lift her head or even open her eyes. "I can't . . . ." It was a small whine, and normally Poe would smile but he couldn't be the least bit bothered.

The thought of heading back to the cockpit made him shut the door a little too forcefully, he couldn't actually lock the door in case there was an actual emergency, but he was not going to leave this room until he had a few hours away from the console and away from the nagging Rose and Finn. "No, it's just me." He said sitting on the edge of the bed to take his shoes off. "I love them, but I might actually hit Finn and/or Rose if I see them anytime soon."

"Same." She answered with a yawn as he sat down next to her on the bed with the sandwich in his mouth so he could take off his shoes. "What are you eating?"

He pulled the sandwich out of his mouth and looked between her and the sandwich in his hand. Man, he must really like her to share food with her right now. He took another bite and leaned over to hand the remaining half to her. "Here."

"Thank you." She nearly moaned, in a way that sounded far too inviting for his liking, and for having to platonically share a bed with her.

He huffed. "Yeah, don't say I never brought you anything good." He warned as Rey made quick work of the sandwich. He slid his arms out of his jacket and took his overshirt off, tossing it on top of Rey's vest and armbands.

He playfully slapped her thigh. "Scoot over." Trying to ignore just how muscular her thigh was.

She scooted some, but it wasn't a whole lot-her back was nearly against the wall. She rolled over onto her side as he flipped the ambient light off, rolling over to face her and after some shuffling they ended up resting against each other, with her head on his shoulder and his arm around her, and their legs tangled. It wasn't like they had a lot of room to spread out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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