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Zubiya had just come out of the shower and was wearing her softest white chikankari kurta with white shalwar and found Asfand sleeping ,he must be watching tv while waiting for her, She turned off the tv and lights and went to bed,they had a long day --actually more like a long has been her habit since five years of marriage to look at Asfand's face, before sleep, his face always relaxed and calmed her, she always prayed for his long health.

asfand while in sleep held zubiya's hand but haven't opened his eyes, he was a little awake but was getting to know zubiya what she does when he was sleeping ,he had a six sense that she is watching him sleeping and noticing his facial features on the other hand zubiya smiled at this gesture of asfand ,she wasn't in mood of sleep so she grabbed one of magazine from her side table and started reading but her mind was concentrated on other things she don't know why she had this urge to know how much Asfand loved her ,inner side of her was resisting her to stop thinking such thing he is hers and his love is same from the day he confessesed her.

asfand couldn't stopped himself by openeing his eyes to look at her so he slowly opened his eyes not showing her that he is awake a while ago.he murmered to zubiya.

Asfand:"oh! i slept, i was waiting for you.why u haven't slept is something wrong?."

Zubiya:"no! i am reading this magazine." after a pause of some minutes she finally asked him.



Zubiya put the magazine on her side table and layed comfortably in his arms. His heart was still thudding hard, while she tried easing her breath while she asked.

Zubiya:"Did you love Faryal as much as you do to me?"

Asfand:"No." Came his pat reply, no thought, no procrastination. He cleared his point though- "There's a lot of difference in falling in love at a tender age and of the fiancie, and that of loving someone at the mature years of life and to your wife." His fingers were now in her hairs, subconsciously rubbing the roots. He still continued- "Coming to think of it, and I had long ago conveyed the same to Faryal also that, at this stage I do realise- I never loved her. Yes, I thought I did. But the love cannot overcome so soon Zubiya. Her breaking the engagement and leaving me in distress did hurt me, but I overcame sooner than I realised. Overcome in the manner that she didn't matter anymore. But with you, it wasn't the same. When you declined marriage, I was again distressed, but I was totally disturbed. All they say, filmy things happened. I worked on automaton, but never felt like doing anything else but think about you, and finding out some way that would convince you of me. I couldn't eat, I didn't want to talk, I felt nothing but the pinning desire to make you mine, yet never force you." He impulsively kissed her hair.

Zubiya:"I never loved Rameez, though I thought he was my saviour". Zubiya couldn't help but laugh now- "And it always turned out to be you who became my saviour, even when that supposed saviour wanted to destroy me."

Asfand:"Zubiya, I think it is high time that we don't talk about our bitter pasts. There's nothing that you don't know about me or my family's past. All is in the open. And there's nothing in your past that destiny didn't make me a part of. Now let's not think about them. Remember good things about yesterday, and make a better today. Isn't it?" he asked. And she had nodded.then they slept.

2 A.M late at night zubiya feel uncomfortable so she got up and went outside she wasn't that coffee lover but she made coffee at this hour and came again to their room, asfand was still sleeping,zubiya now  let out a sigh started playing with the loose strand of her open hair, with a cup of coffee, sitting by the window, quite late at night. Marriage happened to be a blissful thing for her till now... Five years into the marriage, and she was well settled. What with her super awesome Parents in law or a damn best sister in the world in Gaiti. Though, she is married to Dr. Haroon, but meeting her in the hospital and weekend gathering at the Khans made it for all... Or hell of a loving husband Asfi and two adorable kids khansa and Ariz,Talking of Asfi, a slow smile formed on her face. He is someone, no outsider would know. A strict administrator, even strict senior, and a very serious doctor surgeon at the hospital; he was everything but all this at home. Her definition of Dr. Asfandyar Ali Khan had changed after marriage, when she stayed with him day in and day out. Humour was his first companion. That fellow cannot sit straight at home. A certain kind of bug he has in him that keeps biting him at irregular intervals- A bug to keep pulling legs. Not just hers, but his parents', Gaiti's and even once, Dr. Haroon's... Once he had rounded Dr. Haroon at home for not being proper with Gaiti. It was one thing to be scolded by Dr. Asfandyar, the boss; and another thing to be bulldozed by Asfandyar,A non-serious person like Dr. Haroon was also unnerved... It was only until Gaiti lost her battle at keeping a hold of her laughter did Dr. Haroon realise that Asfi was being- A total prankster... Zubiya laughed remembering his antics. Apart from being all this, he was a diehard romantic. Asfi and Romance with a whole shade of flirtiness walked hand in hand when Zubiya was concerned. This fellow had left no stone unturned turning her a bright shade of red every now and then ever since he brought her to this house after her Rukhsati in Karachi and Walima in Islamabad.

Asfiya Fanfiction  ( a journey of Faith )✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon