More Light Than Heat

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I know I'm late and I'm really sorry,  but I live in this lame excuse for a counrty which gives us 24/7 electricity and great internet connection. Mark my sarcasm. Anyway I understand if I am out of the competiton, but my internet went down and it would mean a lot to me if you just read it. I know you're busy but you promised your, and I quote, "Eternal love." 


As I tried to remove my finger from the red mess I call my hair which was twirled around it, I realized that eventhough my finger was stuck in there and it was hard for me to pull my finger out without pulling the hair strands, my situation was much worse.

I had spent the last six hours of my night trying to write a proper essay for my English assignment, but to no avail.

And to be honest, I had no idea which of the two represented my situation better; my now red finger suffocating from the all the tiny hair strands united together to form a noose around it, or the blank sheet of paper that had been mocking me for the past six hours. 

"Write about something that happens everyday."

I thought that English teachers hated that word, "something" or "thing" or "stuff". And now I understand why. It's just so undefined, just like alphabet in mathematics and a shadow in a dark room. It also meant that a decision to choose between two undefined 'things' had to be made.

And let me tell you this, I stand for fifteen minutes in front of McDonald's just to choose the flavor of my McFlurry.

I sighed, rubbed my temples with my fingers  and tried to filter my thoughts for the millionth time.

Think Madeleine think. Something that happens everyday. Photosynthesis?  Something you can't live without, breathing?

I shook my head and let my hands fall down by my sides, then yelped quickly when my trapped finger, which I had obviously forgotten about, pulled my hair.

 You aren't helping.

I got out of my chair and kept my finger close to my face, then I got down to the living room for inspiration.

I found my mother and father all cuddled up on the couch watching family videos. As soon as my mom saw me she hopped off the couch to save this damsel in distress while my father's eyes remained fixed on the screen.

"So ma cherie, how'z your assignment going eh?" Mom said as she was capable of un-knotting my hair strands and grooming my hair.

I shook my head and said, "Mom I don't know, I haven't come up with anything yet!"

Her eyebrows rose with her worry. "Um, did you call your friends?" 

"No, they're busy thinking of something as well and I don't feel like listening to some nagging."

"Hey  Maddie, look at how adorable you were when you were a baby!" My father pointed at screen displaying me  6 hours old and dad doing weird faces at me.

Remind me to burn that tape so they wouldn't display it on my wedding.

"Harry!" My mom shook her head smiling. She then looked at me, "Did you ask your brother?"

"I said I didn't want to hear some nagging." I replied frowning.

"How about your uncles?"

"Well the twins said that I could write about their daily awesome adventures with, and I quote, "making the world a better place". But I'd rather send a doodle of an elephant than writing that."

More Light Than Heat : A One Shot For Saving ElliotWhere stories live. Discover now