I don't like someone

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What do you usually do with someone you don't really like?

There's this person I've been avoiding for days already. I know that I shouldn't be rude, I know that I should still be nice to this person but I always end up ignoring him.  I tried so many times to see the good things in him but do you know that feeling wherein he's too annoying even though he's not doing anything bad?

Yes, he's been nice to me all throughout, he waits for me and my friends for lunch or even when going home. He carries the heavy things I bring which I really appreciate and never forget to thank him. But, why can't I like him?

Maybe because he is boring. Anyone who can read this might judge me right away. But wait, there's more. He always shows the messages he sent and received from different girls. As if it's my business that I should care. Also, from the very start, I told him already that I don't have feelings for him. I should say it, so that he can find new, a replacement for me. And yes he really did. He started hitting on my friend. But nope, he's still not yet done with showing me affections and it's like every time he's with me, he wants to show or maybe feel that he has a girlfriend.

Then that's when we realized how he's eager to be in a relationship. He may want to have someone who he can pour out his love. But for me, I don't think that will workout for me. Well maybe for some girl, he's an ideal for he is sweet, gentleman, and caring. 

And as for my question, how can you deal with someone you don't like? For me, I'll try to ignore rather than give someone hope that there's still a chance.

And Pips, please don't rush love for your personal desires. You'll find someone who matches your personality in God's time. And it is true that God will never leave you on your rough times. He will find someone for you can love you more than you deserve.

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