Chapter 4

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I walk into the club wearing my favorite red dress with a skinny white belt, Nude heels, a snakeskin bag with a silver chain, and a necklace with little discs placed on the chain every inch or so. Emily walks up beside me wearing a black mini dress that had a skull on the front, a multi layer gold necklace, gold bangles, a crown ring as well as a big stone ring, and black strappy ankle boots.

We walk straight to the bar, and order two Martinis. A guy comes up and starts flirting with Emily, and of course she being who she is, she goes with him leaving me alone. I turn back towards the bar when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see the curly haired boy from the cafe.

"Weren't you the girl talking to Lou earlier?" I nod and smile at him.

"Yeah. Aren't you the one ushering him off to rehearsal?" He lets out a small chuckle. "Hi. I'm Elizabeth." I say sticking out my hand for him to shake it.

"Harry, Harry Styles, but you can call me Harry." He says smiling. Isn't that the one Emily is always obsessing over? I think to myself. She is always saying how she wants to marry him.

"Whose Emily?" I facepalm as I realize that I just spoke that out loud. "And where can I meet her?" He says with a cheeky grin on his face. I start laughing and look around for Emily while looking for Louis at the same time. What am I doing? I think mentally slapping myself. I have a boyfriend. I return to searching for Emily. I finally spot her and she is dancing or should I say grinding with some guy. I turn back to Harry and point at her. "She's a little busy." I say laughing.

"I can change that." Harry says smiling mischieviously. He walks up to Emily and the strange guy and asks if he can borrow her for a minute. As soon as Emily sees his face, she quickly nods and comes back to the bar next to me.

"The power you have over women, Styles." I say rolling my eyes and laughing. I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. When I get there I see a couple making out on the sink in the bathroom, It was turning pretty passionate when I clear my throat to get their attention. The guy turns towards me first and I feel my legs almost give out from under me and tears threatening to spill over my eyes. The guy was Jason.


I see Elizabeth laughing at Harry and can't help, but feel jealous. She looked around. Was she looking for me? I feel hope sprouting up. Then I see her eyes looking at a girl grinding with some guy. She points to the couple and Harry saunters over. Next thing I know Harry is walking back with the girl and Liz is rolling her eyes and laughing. I see her get up to go to the bathroom so I quickly follow her.

When I see her come out of the bathroom she has tears spilling out of her eyes and she is running away. I run after her, but I don't quite catch her before she gets in the cab. She was pulling down the street and I keep chasing the car, but I don't catch her in time.

I bend over and put my hands on my knees. I am breathing hard from running when Harry finds me. He is still with the girl that Elizabeth was pointing to. "Hey! You're Elizabeth's friend right?" I say to her.

"Yeah." She says looking at me with recognition in her eyes.

"Where does she live? I need to make sure she's alright." I say quickly.

"I'll check on her." She says as she whistles for a taxi. Before she can protest I hop in the cab with her. She reluctantly tells the driver the address and I make sure to write it down as we head off towards our destination.

Elizabeth's POV

I hear a knock at the door. I pull it open expecting Emily when all of a sudden I feel Louis wrap his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him too breathing in his cologne. I snuggle my face into his neck and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I whisper to him.

"Your welcome. I saw you at the club." He says explaining why he was here in the first place.

"I can't believe he cheated on me!" I say sobbing back into Louis' shirt.

Louis' POV

"I am swearing off guys right here right now." She states and my heart sinks alittle. I will change your mind. I think before starting to think of ways to do so.

"Lou wanna take a seat" liz offers and I except following her to the sofa. She snuggles onto my chest and I wrap my arms around her securely as she sobs  while i try to comfort her with small compliments and calming her down. It's silent then she brakes that silence

"Lou can I ask you some thing" she asks looking up at me innocently with her big blue eyes her her warm breath blew across my face. Keep calm Tomlinsonshe just had her heart broken there's no way she'd want to be with me or kiss me with thoses inviting red lips. Even though she had her makeup running from her spilt tears she still look like and angel. And all I couldn't stop looking at her plump lips I didn't notice we were leaning  closely till those lips were brush softly against mine and what really took me by surprise was when she closed all space between us softly kissing my lips and it didn't take time for me to kiss back.


I have no idea what was going through my mind it was like my body just took control and I kissed him and he actualy kissed back. He took my face into his hands and deepen the kiss. His tongue came licking my bottem lip asking for entrance and I gradually allowed it. I ran my hands his soft  feathery hair tugging it lightly making him let out a soft seductive moan and his arms snake around my waist pulling me onto his lap suddenlly all feelings of Jason came back and I push away

"Sorry lou I'm not ready for this" I speak quietly he looks down at his hands disappointedly but nodded his head in agreement

"Sure Liz I understand " he says with a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"Can we still be best friends I really need the comfort" I ask hopefully

"Of course love come here" he pulls me in for a cuddle and I lay in his arms with him stroking my hair humming a familiar tune that I can't point out and don't waste time carring and drifted into darkness.

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