Bring me back to life

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You know how in romantic comedies the leading lady always has a best friend? The funny, snappy best friend no one really takes that serious but is always helping the leading lady get the dazzling heartthrob everyone is falling head over heels for. That would be me. All my life I have been there in the sidelines never the main character but always there to be funny or help and I never mind. I have always liked just being exactly who I am and eventually I did find my prince. I guess he wasn't exactly the prince charming we always see the leading lady ride away to the sunset with and would probably remind you more of the movies heartthrobs weird geeky friend, but I didn't mind because he was mine and he loved me. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together, we got married and were happy and in love for 3 years we had just started talking about having kids. But all of that doesn't matter anymore, everything changed yesterday when I got the call, the only call I had not prepared myself for, the call that he was not coming home.. ever again. They all tell me they're sorry and they don't know what to say and that they all know how much he loved me. But how is that going to make everything better? How is that going to bring him back to me? How is that going to stop the drunk driver who crashed right into him? How is anything going to ever be okay again? How will I ever be me without you? ...

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