Part 4

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Arias POV~

As Derek walks into the sheriffs station me & stiles hid behind the door. the deputy walks up to the front where derek's standing & says "good evening how can i help" she looks up at derek & sets her folder down "you?"

"hi" derek says with a dazzling smile.

"hi" the deputy says while smiling

If derek can actually pull this off with his looks, i totally called it.

"um i had a question.. uh sorry i'm a little thrown i wasn't expecting someone" he's says

this is when me & stiles started to sneak by super quietly trying not to get her attention.

"like.. me?" she questions

"well i was going to say someone so incredibly beautiful but yeah i guess that would be the same thing" he says, that flirty smile never leaving his lips. me & stiles ended up making it past them without being detected.

we make it to stiles' dads office & he tells me to keep watch just in case. so i stand by the door. Stiles gets it open & i ask "did you get it" not looking at him

"um Aria we've got a problem. a big problem." he says. i look at him now & walk over to him. "the keys gone he continues"

"that means..." i trail off.

"hurry let's go" he said grabbing my arm pulling me with him.

stiles turn the corner before me & i guess almost running into a deputy.

"oh uh, just looking for um" i can hear stiles say. i notice the smell of blood so i stay behind the wall trying hard for my veins & fangs not to come out. i can hear the fake deputy then wrestle with stiles. i turn the corner where stiles did but i don't see them. i smell the blood even stronger. i look at the ground & the veins & fangs come out now. i follow the blood & the fire alarm starts blaring. this cannot be good.

not at all i walk a bit faster following the blood i walk to the room stiles & the fake deputy are in veins & teeth still out. i notice they're looking at the empty cell & just when i walk a bit into the room isaac i assume attacks the fake deputy pushing him into the desk & then turning around to push him into the wall. stiles crawls behind the desk so he's not seen by isaac. the fake deputy tries to stab him with the syringe but he grabs his up & snarls out almost breaking it making him drop it. i walk over to stiles my face looking normal.

"are you okay?" i ask & he nods in return

isaac bashing the guys head into the wall & he falls to the ground not moving. Derek walks into the room stepping on the syringe. isaac hears it making him turn around. he looks at me & stiles looking like he's going to pounce so i stand up showing my veins & fangs for the like fourth time tonight. he starts walking towards us but derek growls at him making isaac drop to the ground & basically curl up into a ball. isaac hides his face & soon he looks up at us but he's not full werewolf anymore.

"how'd you do that?" i ask looking at isaac then derek. derek then looks back at me & stiles.

"i'm the alpha" he simply says.

isaac looks terrified like he's shaking so bad right now. i feel so bad for him. since i'm a hybrid now, i can control when i shift, it's super nice.

Derek looks at stiles. "you stay here, aria help me take isaac home." no please? damn. someone's on their wolf period,

"wait woah what? i'm going to take the blame for this?" stiles asked taking a step forward.

"yeah basically" derek says grabbing one side of isaac & i taking the other.

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