Back into it

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"You are going to die skulduggery!" Tanith shouted at him as they entered the room. Skul jumped behind Valkyrie, who just laughed at him and moved back out of the way. "Tanith I told you I didn't mean to shoot your bike! Now calm down please!" He tried to sound calm but it kinda just came out as wimpy, which was strange. Valkyrie was still laughing at him so he poked her in the ribs and she stopped. "Argh Skul you ruined it!" Tanith shouted at him, but Ghastly suddenly came up behind her and wrapped his arms round her waist. "Sshh Tan calm down please." Tanith huffed but leant her face up and kissed Ghastly's scarred cheek. It was nice to see his oldest friend finally with a girl, and one who loves him for who he is, scars and all. Skul felt a soft hand on his shoulder and he turned his head to face Val, she was grinning and nodding "subtly" towards the two love birds. Skul grinned too and look over at them, and they had proceeded to make out in the hallway. He chuckled and pulled Valkyrie away from them and into a hall on the other end of the hallway.....straight into Dexter and Saracen making out in there!! He almost gasped, and Val just started laughing again. They broke apart and looked sheepishly at him and Valkyrie, Skulduggery was struggling to hold back his laughter now too. "Alright you two?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly which made Val laugh even more. They looked so embarrassed which made him laugh once again. "It's alright just carry on with what you were doing!" Valkyrie said and winked at them, then she took hold of Skul's sleeve and pulled him out of the room. Once they were out of earshot, both sorcerers started laughing again, and it was so good to hear Valkyrie's laugh again...Skulduggery has missed it. Wait why did I just think that?! He thought, looking over at his laughing partner, she looked so happy. So beautiful. Then the skeleton realised something, something which could ruin everything. Valkyrie looked up at him, grinning, and he can't help but grin back. Oh god...I'm in love with her! He thought to himself, but you know what? Who cared if he's in love with her!Valkyrie loves a friend. He looked at her again, a friend would be enough for now. Suddenly Val reached across and tapped his collarbones, and he frowned as the face flowed away from his skull. "Why'd you do that?" Skul asked her confused. She just shrugged and smiled up at him, "I missed my skeleton." He tilted his head to show he was smiling, and she did something even more sudden. She hugged him, no warning, just hugged him. He was surprised at first, but eventually his arms wound round her and he hugged her back, the warmth of her body pressed against his sending goosebumps through his body. "What's that for Val?" He asked, looking down at her. She smiled up at him and just chuckled. "I really have missed you Skul, more than anything." She said, and that just sent a shiver of electricity down his spine, he hadn't felt this way in a long time...and he didn't know what to do about it.

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