Chapter One

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Hailey's POV

No. No. No. This can't be happening. I can't be pregnant. Can I?
"Oh yes, yes you can be, Hailey." States my conscience.
"Shut up." I say back.
A knock on the bathroom door wakes me up from my thoughts.
"Hailey!" My mom yells from the other side of the door.
"The bus will be here any minute!"
Shit. I'm barely ready. My dark chocolate hair is still a mess, and I don't even have any makeup on. I quickly throw on the clothes I brought with me in the bathroom, and run out the door.
As I'm running out the door, I begin to feel nauseous again.I stop running and I throw up right in my entryway.
My mom rushes to me, and tells me to get back to bed. I walk slowly to my room. At least I'll be able to think about my-
I stop my train of thought. What is inside of me? A baby? No. Can't be. Yes it can. Will you just shut UP!
I think of how much my future will change. I mean, I could never kill this kid. He or she deserves a life just as much as any other kid. My volleyball scholarship is down the drain. All of my years of hardwork are down the drain. All because of this kid, and... I pause, and Calum.

A/N Hey guys! Your basic betch Madi is back! I have deleted my old stories, because they were shit. So I am back. I got this inspiration like 10 minutes ago while babysitting. I put the baby down for bed and wrote this down. I hope you like it! bye for now

Madi xx

287 Words

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