Chapter Twenty

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 *** REWRITTEN ***

Life with the Blake Brothers

Chapter Twenty

Lexi's POV

"Alex!" a happy little girl squealed as I entered the hospital room. Melanie had a huge smile plastered on her face, her eyes sparkled with happiness, and her bandana was gone. "I took off the bandana for you Alex." she smiled. 

"You look beautiful." I smiled walking towards her bed and wrapping my arms around her while giving her a little squeeze which she returned. 

"How are you?" I asked taking a seat next to Trenton. 

"Better. Doctor's say I've made some improvement." her smile continued to grow as she relayed the message. I glanced toward Trenton who was looking towards Melanie with a big smile and love shining through his eyes. It was times like these that I wish I had a little sibling. I mean I have the Blakes and they're more than enough, but I wanted someone who had the same DNA as me and I could actually be their bigger sister. I always wanted a little sister, but I guess that was because I grew up with many boys.

"That's great!" 

"I even met a new friend," she exclaimed, "his name is Henry!" 

I rose my eyebrows and gave a small smile, "Henry?" I asked. 

"Yeah, one of these days you can meet him too. He's really nice and smart and he shared some of his cookies with me and we colored a picture together. Do you want to see it?" she asked already reaching for a piece of paper on the table next to her. She held up a picture of Mickey mouse colored different colors and at the bottom left hand corner held both of their names where they signed it. 

"It's beautiful." 

"Thank you." her smile never left as she gazed down at the picture but as I glanced towards Trenton I knew he didn't want his little sister befriending boys. He was being protective and it was cute.

"She's seven," I whispered to him. "she can have a friend who is a boy. I mean doesn't she still think boys have cooties or something like that." 

"We can only hope." he shook his head. "We can only hope." 




"Stop goofing around and help me finish this." I scolded Trenton as he threw the basketball up and down while laying on his back. We had left the hospital two hours ago, coming back to Trenton's hosue to finish the play but so far we have only gotten a little more completed. Now he was sprawled out on his back ontop of his bed playing basketball while I sat at his computer trying to finish our stupid play. 

"We can finish it later, we have all semester. It isn't due until the last week of school. Chill out." he said. 

"Well we still need to practice it, and if I know that Blake boys at all - and i do - they aren't going to want to do this, meaning that we will have to make them. That will take us forever." I told him. "Then we actually have to get them to do what we want and lord knows that will take us even longer."

"No it won't. Those boys love you."  

"I know." 

"But Mason--" he cut himself off as if he was about to tell some big secret.

"What about Mason?" 

"Nothing," he waved his hand in dismissal. "let's just finish the play." he stood from the bed and sat down into the chair next to me. 

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