Horseland Christmas (Horseland Fanfic)

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It was early in December and snow was already falling at Horseland. Everything was blanketed in a coat of white and Angora took to majorly not wanting to step out of the house lest she get her dainty little feet wet and cold, a must not for her delicate immune system, or so Angora told Shep and Teeny.

The only thing missing was the festive decorations that most places adorned their fences with for the Holiday season. The snow was all that adorned the exterior and nothing adorned the inside walls… there were no Christmas trees, no wreath, no gingerbread houses.

Sarah had been going to Horseland since that summer and had been wondering how Bailey's folks would end up decorating the place for the holidays. She was quite surprised to though to see nothing, as she typically found the place to be constantly filled with the cheer that she loved Christmas for… at least one of the reasons.

So when she got out of the limo and took time to scratch old Mosey behind the ears; the old cat was starting to get on in the years and she would need to say goodbye to him soon, though she didn't realize it. She was more occupied with the lack of adornments around the place.

The first two people she saw in the stables other then the horses were Alma and Molly, who were giving their horses carrots. Sarah commented off handedly "I figured that there would be decorations up and about."

"Decorations… you mean…" Alma's dark skin suddenly paled and she made large panicked cutting motions, trying to indicate it wasn't a good subject to go into. "Let's not talk about that…"

"I don't know… my family celebrates Kwanza," Molly commented.

"They just don't celebrate Christmas," Alma commented. "Can we please not comment and talk about it?"

"Yeah… if they decorated the place with Christmas stuff, like Mistletoe... I would have had my first kiss," Chloe sighed.

"Nuh uh… I would have," Zoe imputed in, causing Sarah, Molly and Alma to roll their eyes at the obsession of the two girls with their major crush on Bailey.

"I've never gotten why they've never celebrated Christmas," Chloe choose to ignore her younger sister's comment.

"It's not something I'm comfortable talking about," Alma sighed. "Can we please change the subject?"

"So… you know why Bailey and Will don't celebrate Christmas?" Molly commented.

"And it's not her place to say," Came Bailey's voice from the entrance to the barn where he stood with his cousin. He then went into the tack room and slammed the door.

Will scratched his head. "Sorry guys… I can tell you… but it should wait until Bailey's not around to lose his temper."

"But…" Alma started.

"It's alright Alma, if anyone has the right to say anything about all of this, it's me… let's step outside of the barn so we can talk," Will led the girls outside and leaned on the fence. Zoe cleared off some of the snow and sat.

"What I don't get is why you have more right then Bailey," Chloe imputed.

"You'll understand when I explain the reason we don't feel like celebrating Christmas… so it really isn't that we don't…"

"There's a difference?" Zoe narrowed her eyes. "I've heard of not celebrating, but not feeling like it?"

"Mmm… ironically my life ended up changing the most… but I think Bailey has the most emotional scars from what happened."

"Something bad happened," Molly muttered.

"How could it… you two are always happy," Chloe smirked.

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