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Forgiveness is the final form of love

As we were walking down the paved road, awkward silence engulfing us, a peculiar thought popped into my mind. (How did Yoongi know I broke up with V? I didn't tell him, did I? Wait, how did he even know where I live?)

Question after question kept surfacing in my mind as I finally started grasping everything that happened in my flat. I held a finger up to my mouth and bit my lip trying to remember if I ever mentioned the location of my flat or the breakup. Finally, I halted in my steps while he continued walking and daydreaming in his own imaginary bubble too busy to even notice.

After a couple of steps his well-built form came to a rest and the view of his back was no longer in sight for it was replaced by his front.

Yoongi: Is something wrong? Why did you stop?

I looked at him in pure frustration.

Sam: I want to ask you something.

Yoongi: Yeah?

His eyebrow raised up as he took a step closer to me.

Sam: Umm, how exactly did you know I broke up with V?

Once again, he stopped in his tracks. His pupils dilated, and his hand made its way to the back of his neck to scratch it.

Yoongi: What the heck? What kind of question is that? You're my best friend, I can always understand what happened with you just by looking at you. Aren't I right?

He broke into a fit of laughter as he tried to cover up for the real answer.

Sam: Pfft, what was I thinking? I suppose you're right.

Yoongi: I know right? That was silly of you. Come on, let's go and eat.

He gestured for me to come and as I resumed walking alongside I remembered another question.

Sam: Hold on, I have another question? How did you know where I live?

This time he choked on his own saliva and coughed vigorously.

Yoongi: What do you mean? You told me where you live, remember?

Sam: No.... I never told you where I live, and I distinctly remember that?

I took a step closer to him until I was able to feel his hot breath hitting my face. I leaned in closer to his ear and lowered my voice.

Sam: So, I'm going to ask you again, how did you know?

I moved back and stared at him with eyes full of curiosity mixed with a hint of agitation.

Yoongi: Uhhh.... you know what? I'm not hungry anymore, let's go to the park first.

He grabbed me by wrist and diverted to another route that led to the designated destination. I gasped at his sudden action.

Sam: Yoongi? What are you doing? Let go of me, you didn't even answer my question. And what's with the sudden change of plans?

I kept bombarding him with questions until he finally stopped in his tracks and turned to face me.

Yoongi: Can you stop asking so many questions and just keep up with me? Can you do that? When we reach you'll understand everything.

Small World // Taehyung ff ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ