where am i?

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I opened my eyes in an old, cold room.It was fuzzy, or I did.I felt like I got hit by a truck.I was having a headache, I was sick, and I felt like I was in the hospital here forweeks.There was a doctor in the room and a nurse.I was sure they were talking about me.They stopped talking when I woke up.The doctor was surprised to see that I opened my eyes. He was asking me something i dont think with her surprise is needed .But his questions remained unanswered. Because I didn't remember anything about me. What's my name?who am I ?And most importantly what happened to me when I came to the hospital? I didn't remember anything about myself. I listened to the doctor talking to the nurse on the way out.
Doctor: we're going to do a few tests, we know that there's a memory loss, but don't know whether it's permanent or temporary.
Nurse: but should we let the family know?
Doctor: "What an identity on the phone, nothing came out. We can not notify the family.
then the nurse has just left there
What, have I had a memory loss?I asked myself
I couldn't make sense of what happened.

She then told me to take a few tests when the nurse came inside me and took me to another room. I approved it. As for the doctor, we were gonna start the test. I saw the vision in my mind. I didn't feel it was a safe place. It was like something was wrong. Something wasn't going well.I felt I had to get out of here.
And I was gonna get out of here, but how?
I pushed him with my hand as I tried to attach the serum to my nurse's arm, and I stuck her with a needle and she fell on the floor.I got away from there.I saw my doctor talking to someone else. I changed my direction and i looked for the exit. Suddenly I felt the pain of my body was still very tired and i was hungry like a wolf. But now is not the time. I had to get out of here. I shouldn't be here.

I found the exit right toward in the left corner!When I went there, I fell on the ground without understanding what was behind me. He was hit with a very hard object on my head. I was in the hospital again when I opened my eyes again, it was here, but it was definitely not a hospital. My head was hurting seriously. They handcuffed me this time. I don't understand what's going on here.Why are my hands cuffed? Why would they keep me in this goddamn place?


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