Chapter 5

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The four of them were laughing until a hint of wind appeared and brushed against them, this caused Yami to shiver as he was still wearing the clothes where he came from

Atem: sorry I need to take Yami to change

Critias: don't worry, go we'll see later

When Atem walked to Yami he backed up as he was scared when Atem was close enough he carried him bridal style and took him to his chambers and left Yami in his bed and left to go to look for some clothes for him.
Later he came with clothes that Isis end him for Yami

Atem: change to this clothes little one


Atem leave to let Yami change, later when the door opened he saw Yami with the outfit that he gave him, it covered the majority of his body; it showed a little bit, he had a V cut that showed part of his chest, showed most of his back, and a longer "skirt"but cut by the sides of his legs. He stared for a little while until Yami calles him

Atem: what is it?

Yami: yo-u w-were staring *bringing his hands to his chest*

Atem: s-sorry the thing is that-

Guard: sorry to interrupt prince but your father calls you

Atem: I'll be there in a minute

Guard:*nods and goes*

Atem: come with me

Yami: the pharaoh called y-you not m-e *blushing*

Atem: don't worry *takes his hands and runs*

Yami:  w-wait please s-slow down *tripping*

Atem : eh? *stops and carries Yami*

He ran with Yami in his arms until the throne where he left Yami in the floor gently

Atem: father you called me?

Aknancanon: yes, I called you to tell you that you have to choose a "bride" to-

Atem: but I'm 13 you cannot-

Hermos: excuse me!

Yami: ah!?

Before Hermos could crash into Yami, Atem grabbed Yami by the waist and pulled him closer as Yami put his hand in his chest and looked at Hermos with...a wolf

Timaeus: Hermos! Are you ok? *grabbing Hermos head*

Hermos: y-yeah

Timaeus:*looks up* sorry for the interruption

Atem: it's ok...uh?*looks down at Yami* sorry are you ok?

Yami: *nods timidly*

Atem:ok let's go

They left, Atem not listening to his father as he sighed.

Before they could go the wolf jumped into Yami, scaring him he sniffed Yami's neck and wagged his tail in happiness and ran towards the forest

Critias: are you ok?


As he gets up, Atem walked behind him and carried him towards the garden then he puts him in the grass and sat next to him

Yami picked up some flowers and started doing a crown of flowers, after finishing he showed it to Atem who was watching Yami he took it and placed it in Yami's head; he pouted as he wanted to see Atem with it, but he laughed followed by Atem

They got up and walk inside. For surprise of Yami he was lifted up by Atemu as someone "attacked" them they turned and saw Timaeus with a stick looking innocent as she looked back at the two

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