Chapter 1: A strange feeling

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The bag fell with a large thud and a muffled "oomph!" Coming from inside Kirby walked cautiously over to the bag before loosening the rope that kept the poor creature tied up. Kirby nearly jumped out of his skin when a Brown haired boy (that looked to be either 15 or 16) wearing a white beanie and Brown muddy shirt/shorts popped out of the bag gasping for air. "Ah, jeez did I scare ya? I'm so sorry." The boy said in between breaths. Kirby got up and held a parasol above their heads to shade the sweltering boy. "It's fine really." The young hero reassured. "It must be pretty hot in there." "Hot? Crikey, I felt like I was being cooked alive!" The boy panted, toke off his beanie and shoke his head to try and cool down faster. "Oh! Where are my manners. Thank ya so much fer savin me. I really owe ya one." "Don't mention it. " Kirby said with a rather dry tone and a shrug, he held out his hand for the other boy to grab onto. "My names Kirby." He said as he helped him up. "Kirby.. That's a nice name you got there, mate." The boy smiled and gave Kirby's hand a firm shake. "My name's Rikku but you can call me Rick.."

Rick and Nago where laying in grassy fields, they had been rough-housing there earlier before the both decided to take a nap on the soft grass only to awaken to a dark gloomy sky. "Oi, Nago." Rick said he got up, Nago gave a small mew in response. "Do you feel funny?" Rick asked as he scratched his stomach, Nago shook his head, sat up and faced Rick though he was going by sound since he almost always kept his eyes closed. "Nu.. Why?" Nago asked tilting his head to the side. Rick shook his head and shivered. "I just have this weird feeling all of a sudden." Rick replied rubbing his head a bit. "That why." Nago said pointing up at the sky even if he couldn't see the clouds, he felt the temperature was slightly cooler from when they were playing in the fields. "Yeah your probably right Nago, Gloomy weather is enough to drive even some dingo's dingy!" Rick said with a chuckle.

"Rickku! Rickie!!" Nago and Rick turned to see who was calling. "Ey, it's me pal Kirby." Kirby was known the hero of Dreamland, people started calling him that after he got back all of Dreamlands food from king Dedede and freed said king from being possesesd by a dark matter (who turned out to be Gooey's Friend) a few month's earlier. It was impressive since he was only nine years old. Kirby stopped in front of Nago and Rick and bent over panting with his hands on his knees. "Crickey, mate, didja run all the way ere?" Rick asked, patting Kirby on the back. "Yes.. But within good reason!" Kirby stood up straight and looked Rick in the eyes. "Popstars in danger, Someone is after Dedede again!" Rick and Nago both shared a tiny gasp and looked at each other. "Who do you think it is?" Rick asked tilting his head. "I don't know! Gooey told me it's a dark matter named "Zero"." "Where is Gooey?" Nago asked as he licked his paw. "Gooey was attacked, Something slashed him across the face, he won't tell me what though." "Crickey, Mate, is he ok?" "Yeah he's gonna be ok. He's resting in our safehouse." "Good, oh ey Kirby, Do ya know Nago?". Kirby nodded and went over to the big Calico Cat. " Yep, he was the one who told me that you, Kine and Coo where missing. I assume he is a Kobayashi as well?" Rick nodded. "Yep." Kobayashi meant "small forest" However it was a name given to a species of creturees that could go between an animal and human form. Rick's animal form was a hamster, Kine's was a Ocean Sunfish, and Coo's was a spotted owl, Kobayashi tend to kept a physical trait from their animal forms when being human, Rick had his hamster nose, Coo had his wings and Talons (despite this he always wore shoes), Kine had fins on his calves as well as gills on his neck and from the cat ears and claws Kirby could tell that Nago was a cat. "Very happy to see you again Nago." He reached over and stratched Nago behind the ears causing him to lean into it and purr. Rick watched this silently, seeing Nago get attention from Kirby made him kind of...mad, the fact he was feeling this way confused him, why was he feeling so mad? "Anyway, If I'm gonna save Dedede for the second time I am going to need some help, If you guys don't wanna come that's ok." Rick snapped out of his stuper and nodded at Kirby's statement. "Ya know ah got your back Kirby, ahm always ready ta help!" "Wait!" Nago said before they could begin moving. "One should stay. Keep eye on area and go gather up da others, Pink friend!" Rick nodded in agreement but was a little off-put by Kirby being misnamed. "His name is Kirby, Nago." "Pink friend!" Nago insisted, Rick Sighed and explained to Kirby that Nago didn't know how to talk or really act like a human so he acted like a cat in his human form and that he was still learning, Kirby shrugged, it didn't really bother him. "So who stays and who goes with me?" "I will go with ya." Rick said taking Kirby gently by the hand. Nago's eyes snapped open revealing that he had heterochromia, one eye was Yellow and the other was silver. "N-no!" He stuttered and grabbed Kirby's other hand. "I wanna go with pink friend!" Kirby gently tugged his hands from Rick and Nago. "Now now. No need to fight." He said calmly similar to how an adult would say to a child. "I say Nago will go with me and Rick, you stay here and gather up the others since you can communicate better!" Kirby smiled and started walking away with Nago following him, Kirby let out a squeak as Nago suddenly picked him up bridal style and sprinted off.

Rick stood there watching them go. He shouldn't be feeling this way, Communication advantage was a reasonable reason why he should stay and gather the others after all, However Rick for the life of him couldn't figure out why he felt so annoyed and hurt, he figured it was probably nothing and he went to to go warn the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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