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Steve jogs through the back halls of Avengers tower, knowing in all honesty that he has most definitely completely missed the morning meeting plus the mission report he was supposed to give with Natasha.

Skidding through the halls in search for Natasha, apologies running through his head, Steve finds himself sliding clumsily into none other than the Avengers common room. The first thing Steve spots, much to his delight, is Nat standing at the breakfast bar sipping calmly at a mug of coffee. "Natasha! Oh god I am so sorry - I completely missed that thing this morning and-"

"Oh my god Rogers you like absolute shit." Nat points out, spluttering on her coffee as she laughs her head off at him.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks.." He mutters, knowing just how bad he probably looks with his hair all tousled, half asleep eyes, love bites and wearing the same dusty old jacket and jeans that he had literally worn in an explosion the day before. "Oh Tony!" The second thing Steve spots, to his utter mortification, is Tony standing on the other side of the room staring at him with a baffled, amused expression. Tony smirks in a chuffed manner "Whoa looks like someone finally got laid. Congratulations Cap you're no longer a virgin." He commends, clapping slowly and sarcastically. Steve flops himself, face down, onto the couch with a groan, pressing his face into a cushion. He's never going to hear the end of this from Tony. "How was it? Oh gosh Nat's right, you look absolutely terrible." He chuckles teasingly, coming over and leaning on the back of the couch. Tony takes his phone out and snaps a photo of him "I'm gonna have to save that as proof cause no ones ever going ta believe this. Damn are they bite marks on your neck? Didn't know you liked it rough huh Cap?"

"Fuck off Tony." Steve growls, rolling himself further into the lounge cushions.

"Oh my god Nat! He's corrupted Americas golden boy." Tony exclaims mockingly dramatic.

"He?" Nat asks cautiously slightly defensive on Steve's behalf.

Tony gives her a look, signalling to the mess of Steve collapsed on the couch "Steve is the worst closeted gay I've ever met."

"Bisexual." Steve corrects miserably, his voice muffled out into the pillow.

"Yeah that makes more sense. And anyways look at him, he's totally been fucked hard, no offence but no woman could do that to him." Tony explains smugly before continuing into what Nat suspects to be the actual truth "Pluusss putting two and two together any mildly intelligent idiot could figure that one out I mean come on; Steve doesn't come back after a mission with you and a James Barnes and then turns up the next morning looking like this on a motorbike which, according to the scans I just got Jarvis to run, happens to also belong to said James Buchanan Barnes." Steve scowls at Tony's annoyingly correct deductions, his stomach twists with the thought of Tony knowing such things about him. This only proves Tony's thoughts making him smile his annoying knowing grin. "See? I'm right." Tony points out in response to Steve's irritation, laughter floating under his words "And I'm guessing you fucked him again this morning based on the fact you smell like sex and totally missed this mornings meeting. Oh shit you're gonna have so much fun explaining that to Fury." Tony smiles pleasantly at the thought of what that conversation might look like.

"Natasha, can he not?" Steve whines, the pressure of anxiety pushing the air from his lungs. This isn't the way he intended to have to come out. Then again he'd never really intended to ever come out in the first place.

"Tony leave the poor guy alone." Nat warns halfheartedly like a tired mum.

"I'm guessing you bottomed right, pansy?" Tony persists teasingly.

"Tony! Jesus, I didn't you down as being homophobic." Nat scolds, placing her mug down on the counter scarily aggressively and turning to face him threateningly.

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