Finding the egg.

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Steven's POV
    I was looking for Ranger guy.  I had put him in Lion's mane for safe keeping. But I lost him Lion's mane. It was my tenth time in when I heard a voice. "I'm here" it said. It was faint. I didn't really hear it with my ears either. I started to walk to it. I start to lose air. I made my bubble around me. I could easily breathe after that. I kept walking forward listening as the voice got louder. It sounded like a girl. I kept walking in an area I had never been in before when the voice stopped saying I'm here and said "you found me". I looked own and saw a smooth black egg the size of a basketball.

I took down my bubble and grabbed it

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I took down my bubble and grabbed it. I left Lion's and breathed deeply. "Lion look what I found in your mane. It called to me" I say with starry eyes showing Lion the egg. His eyes widened before returning to normal. I gasped and said "you know what is! What is it". I kept asking but then I realized something. "Aww. You can't speak. I'll go ask Garnet" I said taking the egg and running to Garnet. "Garnet! Garnet! Garnet! Look what I found in Lion's mane. It called to me" I shouted showing her and the others the egg. They gasped. "S-Steven.. That's a crystal dragon egg" Pearl said trying to take the egg. "No. It called him Pearl. It's his to keep and train" Garnet said stopping her. "But Garnet! A crystal dragon unbounded is dangerous" Pearl said. "It's not unbounded. It called to Steven. It bounds to the one it calls. It bounded to Steven" Garnet explained. I had huge starry eyes. The egg started to move. I set it down on the counter as it started to move more. It started to crack and little chirps were heard. "It's hatching. It's a female from what I can tell" Pearl said looking at the egg. Soon the egg breaks completely leaving a baby dragon.

It was adorable

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It was adorable. It looked at me and started to move to me. But it fumbled and looked at me with big eyes. I picked it up and it nuzzled me. I laughed cause it tickled. "It bounded to Steven so it's no wonder it would go to him first" Pearl said nervously. "It's Luna's offspring" Garnet said making Pearl gasp. "Who's Luna" I and Amythest ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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